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Mammary Tumors in Dog 12


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

dog mammary tumor

My girl has just turned 6, never had any illnesses or issues up until recently other than behavioural issues.
She was under a homeopathic vet but nothing prescribed seemed to help her issues.
She had a litter of puppies at almost 3 years old. The litter wasn't the best and only one puppy survived. 2 died due to the vets not being quick enough to remove them (by C Section) 2 had cleft pallets and one remaining daughter survived and stayed with us. She had uterine inertia hence the c section.
About 8 months after having the litter she became very aggressive toward one of the other dogs whom she had lived with previous to that for over a year. She meant business leaving him with puncture wounds. Given half a chance she still attacks him now. This progressed over the last few years to the point where she is now kept separate from the others apart from her litter brother. She has in the past attacked him also but she seems to want him with her and they are never left alone together.
Her first season after having the litter she had her first phantom, these became the norm, however her milk production never stopped. It isn't milk as such, more a serum. The vet tried numerous constitutional remedies on her but nothing made any difference to her at all. She also developed a liking for eating stones around the 6 months post litter mark. Given the opportunity she would eat any gravel or pebbles. She also will eat other dogs poo.
Around a year ago and after losing faith in the vet she was under I tried her with a 200c dose of thuja. This produced a wart on her back (right side) - this remained the same for some time but lately it has grown. On her left side near her flank she also has a small lump under the skin that is flat like a coin.
After each season I always check the production of serum just in case it looks untoward. On her last season I noticed a small lump on her back 2 teats. I decided that I needed to get her speyed (the homeo vet had told me to avoid this as it could in fact trigger a more serious condition previous to this lump appearing) I had to wait the 12 weeks post season and wait for her also to be in the correct 'mood' as her mood swings are very random. So when the day came (6th july) that she was to be speyed the lump had grown somewhat. I told the vet doing the speying not to touch the lump or put any needles etc into the lump for fear of disturbing the cells. I had hoped that by reducing the hormones in her that the lump would stop growing. Sadly it has not and is now the size of an apple. I confuse myself so much at times with the homeopathic prescribing. I seem to be able to get it spot on for other peoples animals yet my own...I cant see past the issues.
Personality wise she is the most loving and adoring girl with me. she gets very jealous of the other dogs getting attention and I do believe this is where her aggression toward them stems. She hates being completely separated from them so she lives in the same room but with the room partitioned by gates. She prefers this and is extremely happy with the set up. She is shyish with people she doesn't know but is soon to sit on their knees. But she doesn't trust people. She prefers women to men. I have had her since 9 weeks and her breeder is a good friend of mine. She was vaccinated as a puppy with the nobivac tri annual vaccine (her breeders choice not mine) As soon as she had her vaccine her left ear became waxy, black wax and it remains this way requiring daily wipe outs. It smells a little musty but not foul. In the last few weeks she has developed a veiny lump in her ear on the flap in the middle of the ear. This has not grown any bigger but remains there.
She is a big girl, bullmastiff weighing 56kg (not overweight), she is a dark red with black mask.

Oh and one last thing. For the first time, around a year ago she developed enteritis, I tried numerous homeopathic remedies to help her (arsenicum, nux vom and phos) but nothing made any difference. This lasted almost 4 days and in the end I had to take her to the vets for an anti sickness jab as she was so unwell. I have never done this in my life before but I was seriously worried about how ill she was.

Could anyone offer me any advice? I am at a loss and concerned about the lumps she is growing. 2 of her siblings have died from different types of C and both parents died of Bloat (GDV)
  kerry85 on 2016-08-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I must add she has been raw fed from 9 weeks, doesn't have any food allergies etc, she has not had a vaccine since her puppy vaccines either. She hates thunderstorms to the point that she will physically squeeze into any small space she can. She is also very touch sensitive and has been since a puppy. Even a slight touch and her whole body flinches at the touch.
kerry85 8 years ago

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