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attn: Homeopathic Dr. back pain yawning abdominal cramps(charley horses)


I've been suffering from this constant feeling of wanting to yawn and sometimes about maybe 2-3 times in a day I will yawn several times in a span of 5-10 minutes and the more I yawn the tighter my neck feels. About the same time this came about I also noticed that if I did some sort of sit-up excercise for my abdominal muscles I would get charly horses very painful ones and I still do. I have also suffered from back pain and sometimes my back goes out. My anxiety levels are pretty bad primarily because of the yawning. But I must admit that the anxiety was there first before the yawning started. Is there anything your recommend? Do you need additional info.
  gmoreno on 2006-02-16
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Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dr. Sharma,

Thank you for your quick response. My name is Gil I am a 35 yr olf male living in the Northeastern part of the United States New York to be exact. About a year and a half ago I had a career change and became a hairstylist in NY. It starts as an apprenticeship. To me this experience was very new and caused a great deal of anxiety for me. Around the same time I had started going to the gym. The first thing to occur to me back in june of 2004 was that one day while excercising I seem to have overexerted myself by lifting too much wait and for a about 45 minutes I endured what seems to have a charley horse of cramp on the left side of my neck. It went away and never thougt about it again. Three weeks later I came up with a feeling of having something stuck in my throat. It caused lot of anxiety. two doctors who suggested it was acid reflux and recommended prilosec for two weeks. After i was of the medecine the lump was still felt. And a feeling of discomfort in my throat. Kind of a tightness. About two months later in November of 2004 this yawning began. I also noticed that when I started back at the gym that any kind of heavy weight lifting would cause a lot of tension and tightness in my neck. i have always had a severe phobia of choking so this ill-feeling caused me a lot of anxiety and panic. I also noticed that when doing abdominal excercises my abdominal muscles began to painfully cramp such as cramps you get in your calf muscles. This went on until march of 2005 when I began to wake up at night out of breath. I would try and sleep and for up to five hours of sleep I would wake up out of breath. I did research and decided to go to a gastrologist got and endoscopy and came back with very small hiatus hernia he said almost nonexsistant, acid reflux and gastritis. I began to take aloe vera for gastritis and really believe it helped i still take it everyday. HE also put me on Prilosec twice a day. I changed my diet and times I ate. I eat very healthy now. Lots of brown rice and vegetables no alcohol. Still smoke some but cut down a great deal. I started to feel relief from this waking mostly recently maybe December 2005. I know believe that what was waking me up was a combination of gastrities and anxiety. Probebly a lot of anxiety. This has mad me very nervous at times. I am always on edge. I came across this sight about a little over a month ago when I decided to put an end to the prilosec. And at a recommedation started taking natrum phos 6x after lunch and dinner. It has helped a great deal. Almost feel as if I didn't have any acid reflux problems. I forgot to mention that at the time that the acid reflux was bothering me most I experienced tiredness in my voice. I would almost feel like I couldn't talk. As I was saying in terms of acid reflux I am doing very well now. I also experimented a bit with nux vomica when I experience heartburn too much. What is weird is that I never had heartburn or tasted acid for 1 and half years until recently when I stopped the prilosec the condition changed to having heartburn it used to just be in my throat although I never tasted acid. In any case that is doing well. I experience the yawning almost everyday about 2-3 times a day there is about maybe 5-10 minutes when I just yawn. Sometimes I try to hold it down but that is uncomfortable. But when I decide to release the yawn it feels like it stretched my throat muscles and it feels like my belly gets full of air and stretches out with the air but it feels like I could take in more air. The discomfort is mostly in my throat where my muscles stretch and almost feel like they would cramp. I control my yawning a lot. It drives me crazy. It has completely altered my life I don't enyoy it anymore. I live in fear. I feel like I will choke sometimes. one situation that had a big affect on me was my partner dieing 5 years ago. For two months I sufferd form constipation. I would be constipated for 5 days at a time. With the shock of the death I had a fever of 102 for a few days. But this all passed and I don't really feel any anxiety or pain over it anymore. My mom suffers from depression, Hight blood pressure and cholesterol. I have always been very healthy but a big worrier very nervous and anxious. Very fearful. I usefully enjoy all foods. I love to eat good tasty different foods. But now my diet is very bland and boring. I am very impatient very axnious can anger easily sometimes forget to breath. I have a great relationship with my present partner and family lots of love. No disagreements. I mention anxiety a lot and believe this may be cause but the cramps in abdomen after excercising started at same time as yawning. And I don't care if I yawn 100 times as long as they are normal yawns but these yawns stretch my neck muscles almost cramp. I have been doing reading and here that this could be do to vagus nerve. I hope I have given good information. Please help will be so grateful and thankful. Thank you for your time. Gil
gmoreno last decade
You are advise to take the following prescription
1. Pulsatilla 200 2 drops thrice in a day.
2. Mag Phos 3x 4 tab thrice in a day

3. Berb Vulg 3x 10 drops thrice in a day with 1/2 spoon water.

Diet - Avoid fats , oil, fried and spices food.

report me after a week the same prescription will continue for 3 month

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dr. Sharma,

Only recently was I able to get the medecines you recommended. I have been taking them for 3 days now but I noticed to today that one of them is making me feel a bit uncomfortable. A bit of nervousness and anxious discomfort. I tend to feel a little shakey. Should I continue on them or change anything. I think it may be the berberis vulgaris. So far the yawning continues. I've noticed that when I yawn my neck muscles get very rigid and tense. Thanks for all your help.
gmoreno last decade
Please see previous post I meant to address it to you Dr. Sharma
gmoreno last decade
Mr. G. Moreno,

The cramping in your neck is probably 'normal', in that anxiety (and probably panic) you are experiencing can/will tense the muscles of your neck. The yawning may just be exacerbating the condition.

Furthermore, if your GI system is compromised, you may not be absorbing all the nutrients from your food and, consequently, with the debilitating condition of the anxiety and lack of oxygen you mentioned, your body is showing signs of anerobic exhaustion - cramping, spasms, etc.

Yawning has many theories to it. I challenge you to yawn when you are fearful of something. Therefore, your yawning is indication that your body is changing states and turning the corner from a heightened state of anxiety to a more relaxed state. This is when we yawn. Yawning is a good indicator to take the time to rest our bodies. It is also an indicator that we need rest and more energy.

My suggestion is that you get/continue counseling for your anxiety/panic. It is treatable!!! I believe you will see significant improvement, if not total restoration of energy and health, if you pursue counseling and get on a health system of strong diet, moderate exercise, healthy habits, positive goals, good friends, and natural treatments that dont make you nervous/agitated.

Good luck my friend!

JasonM last decade

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