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Attn Kadwa - possible steatitis in cat

Can Kadwa or someone please help suggest a remedy for a female cat with possible steatitis.

She sustained a puncture injury of unknown cause to her abdomen. Veterinarian performed exploratory surgery to ensure no foreign object was lodged in body (nothing found/clean wound), and that abdominal wall was in tact (it was, so only the skin and fatty layer had been affected). Four drains were stitched in to the area to help drain a fluid build up between the abdominal wall and fatty layer.

There has been very little sign of pus (hepar sulph 30c was given). The redness and bruising seen at the skin cleared within a couple of days (arnica 30c was given). Also staphysagria 30c was given for the abdominal puncture and scalpel wounds.

However there is hardening to the fatty tissue and the vet suspects steatitis. A few internal dissolving stitches were made to hold the fatty layer to the abdominal cavity because a pocket was created by the fluid build up. These could be aggravating, but prior to surgery there was also hardening to the area, not under the puncture wound but approx. 3cm next to it, more on the cat's left side and about 10cm up (the wound is more central to the abdomen).

Would silicea 30c help reduce and disperse this hardening? Or another remedy be more suitable? The cat is female, spayed, approx. 5 years old, refined body and limbs with weight carried more around belly / primordial pouch, affectionate but shy/hides from strangers like pulsatilla, and non-confrontational/not aggressive.

Thank you
  SophieP on 2016-08-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes, silicea 30 and ledum 30 should help.
kadwa 8 years ago
Thank you Kadwa. She is doing really well on the silicea 30, and the hardening has gone down by at least 50% already. :) I will dose with ledum 30 if progress stops.

Thank you for your help. :)
SophieP 8 years ago

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