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Kitty Cat with severely growing breast tumors -- but lots of spirit 22


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Cat with breast tumors


I have a cat that was diagnosed (Jan 2016) with mammary tumors (not benign) with lymphatic
invasion and lymph node metastasis.

She had been very well despite this diagnosis up until about 2 months ago.

I chose to treat her with homeopathics and herbs and not chemotherapy.

She no longer eats on her own despite still being curious about food. I presently syrninge feed her. The only thing she eats on her own is dried catnip. She also craves water (has even jumped into the bathtub) and she has lost her voice - appears to have a sore throat - exaggerated swallowing. I believe Dysphagia.

She seems to feel better on rainy days. She also loves to sit close ti=o my salt lamp.

She still has life in her - you can see she still wants to live.

I have tried different remdies such as nux vomica, carbo veg, thuja and natrum mur to help with all these differet symptoms but am feeling a bith overwhelmed trying to dwtermine which one is best.

Based on what I have described can anyone advise/direct me to the correct remedy for her condition?

Warm Regards and thank you.
[message edited by Bfstlove on Fri, 26 Aug 2016 04:09:20 UTC]
  Bfstlove on 2016-08-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
calc flour 12x,5 tabs three times a day and calc carb 200, 5 pills ones in three days
anuj srivastava 8 years ago

Thank you so much for you response.

Just to clarify - calc carb 200 - 5 pellets once every 3 days?

Both remedies to continue until there is improvement?

Can tissue salts also be used? (in the meantime until I pick up the remdedies you suggested).

Thank you very much.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
cf 12x is a tissue salt,can be used
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you anuj srivastava,

The Cal Carb 200 is it 5 pills once a day for 3 days? or 5 pills once every 3 days?

Sorry, just want to be sure.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
5 pills once every 3 days?
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you. May I ask your opinion of Conium Maculatum for the above situation? (breast canser)
[message edited by Bfstlove on Sat, 27 Aug 2016 16:01:36 UTC]
Bfstlove 8 years ago
Hi anuj srivastava,

will be picking up the calc carb today but so far with the CALC FLUOR I have noticed some improvements.

I am also noticing (for a week now) she has discomfort finding a comfortable way to sit or sleep. When she does sleep it does not look peaceful.

Again she has breast canser - some small softer tumors on lower belly and upper chest and lymph nodes under armpits the size of an egg. She is often getting up suddenly and running to water dish to drink - even as I mentioned jumping into areas with dripping water such as bathtub. She has no voice. Feels comfort from light pressure and massage.

I will post progress once I get calc carb.

Is there anything you can recommend for her discomfort and possibly pain related to her illness? Or maybe cal carb 200ch will help with this?

Thanks so much for your help.
[message edited by Bfstlove on Sat, 27 Aug 2016 16:13:05 UTC]
Bfstlove 8 years ago
calc carb will accelerate the healing process.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Observation after first dose of calc carb 200 ch - 20 minutes later - restful sleep - looked peaceful.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
great going now only give cell salts and keep updating.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Hi anuj srivastava,

I am noticing a slight decrease in energy again since this afternoon. Should I continue with calc carb 200 ch every 3 rd day until improvement last longer?

Return of her voice about 65%.

As well, there is still extreme thirst - going to bathtub 2 or 3 times a day to sit under drops of water until wet/soaked head and chest - even though she has access to clean water and she drinks it - I also give a natural electrolyte formula of raw honey, sea salt and trace elements. Still this thirst.

As well, light gurgling in throat after taking in liquids, sometimes liquids come out of her nose slightly.

A little more about her that maybe will help. She is very sensitive to emotions of people around her. She is a "peace-keeper" with other cats and humans. Also very stubborn and likes things her way. Loves to be touched.

When she seems to be uncomforable - not at ease - she sits beide a catnip plant.

I don't know if this will help you. Thank you very much for your advice and time. Please advise when you can.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
every details in homeopathy are of importance.

give one more dose of calc and observe.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you! Shoud I wait 2 more days (the third day from first dose) or give it right now?
Bfstlove 8 years ago
can give now.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Hello anuj srivastava,

Gave calc carb about 4 hours ago.

Excessive thirst is still predominant. Scratching at bathroom door to get into tub despte being given syringes of pure water and electrolytes and wetting her with a cloth. Wants the dripping water on her head, chest and throat. Swallowing as if lump in throat.

She is uncomfortable when being picked up. Meows softly and wants to be put down. Seems uncomfortable when lying down . not peaceful.

Food aversions to anything strong smelling and fatty however unfortunately this is the kind of food I must give her as she has lost so much weight.

Frail but Can still jump up and down onto things, scratches her nails on scratch pad, attention is caught by things and sounds majority of the time but sometimes lost stare.

But again thirst biggest symptom. I feel like there is a lot of discomfort in throat and chest.

Some remedies to help with tumors contain alcohol - however this really aggravates thirst despite the fact that I dilute them.

Nose is dry. alternates between sitting close to plant or salt lamp. Seems to choose firm soft surfaces to lie down as opposed to soft bedding.

Meow is now audible but cracked and weak.

Please advise when you can. Thank you very much.
[message edited by Bfstlove on Mon, 29 Aug 2016 09:33:39 UTC]
Bfstlove 8 years ago
have you got kali phos 6x,give 5 pills three times a day in addition and a feed back
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Yes, I have tissue salts kali phos 6x - but can purchase homeopathic pellets if that is better?

So the above in addition to the Calc Fluor (3 x per day) and do I continue calc carb every 3 days?

Thanks so much.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
yes give the tissue salt,in addition.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
ok. so far, subtle but powerful changes - more peaceful, more responsive to touch (as was her nature).

I realize her food, although specially formulated for sick animals is too "hot" for her/ Can even feel her breath hot as I feed it to her. So changed to a lighter food with greens.

After Kali Phos curious about food (just not the one I was giving her which made her gag when I let her smell it). Ate 12 ml (in syringe) of new food in one sitting - very good! Normally takes half a day to do this.

I think Kali phos and possibly diet change are working well so far. Will continue with kali phos (3 x as mentioned) and look for more improvements.

Thank you anuj srivastava!
Bfstlove 8 years ago
VERY good results with Kali Phos!

She is peaceful (see pictures) - no longer distressed and agitated. So far has not run to the bathtub to get wet. Restful sleep majority of the time. Eating well (from syringe). Does not look so uncomfortable when sleeping.

Still light gurgling in chest when she swallows - I can feel the food/liquid move down her throat. Sometime wakes up swallowing hard as if a lump is there.

So right now giving Calc fluor 5 tablets 3 x/day and Kali Phos 5 tissue salts 3 x per day. Calc carb every 3 days.

What am I looking for to know of calc fluor is working?

And thank you again for your help! I almost felt it was the end for her the way I saw her yesterday - she is a very different cat today - I know she is not cured but to see her so peaceful and calm makes me feel so happy. So I am very grateful for your help!
[message edited by Bfstlove on Mon, 29 Aug 2016 23:33:37 UTC]
Bfstlove 8 years ago
is there any decrease in the size of swelling,if yes cf is working,but it is too premature to gauge its action at such an early stage.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Its hard to tell if the size of her tumors have decreased. She has the smaller ones on her chest and low abdomen that have not increased - and then the egg sized hard swollen lymph nodes under arm pits. Now that I know I will be more aware- as you said its too soon but I am happy to be doing something to help with that.

Should I continue with Kali Phos? She is responding well to it.

Thank you and wishing you a great day.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
yes continue kp
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
ok - I am noticing some nausea again - also more distant today -less comfortable looking than yesterday..... will kali phos help with this?

Maybe I am just to eager to "fix" things and should just let things run their course....
Bfstlove 8 years ago
yes give kp
anuj srivastava 8 years ago

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