The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Paralysis, diabetics and renal issues
Hello doctorsMy mom aged 65 is suffering from above diseases, brief facts are
Angry personality, usually when she gets angry, it takes 2_3 hours to b normal.
Self dependent, she even at 65 used to wash clothes by herself, prepare meals etc etc
Diabetic since 2000
On June 2 she got an attack of paralysis, rushed to hospital, CT Scan report confirms blood clots in brain caused paralysis, remained under allopathic treatment which included No clot pills, N/S injection, provac inj etc etc
On June 20 she started to vomit heavily, rushed to hospital n treated with motalim nilstat provac N/S moxiget, pelton c, gaviscon, notropil, novidat and gravinate etc etc
All the efforts r useless as when we took her home, just after 2 days she started vomiting again and this practice continued till August 10th. (Hospitalised, recovered n discharged, again hospitalised)
Her abdomen ultrasound, rft n lft results are as follows:
Liver slightly bright in echotexture
Fatty degeneration
Albumin 3.26 g/dl
Serum urea 251.8 mg/dl
Serum creatinine 2.72 mg/dl
Uric acid 15.68mg/dl
From 11th August started her homeopathic treatment as she stoped to urinate and if she urinate, urine was a very low, thick, very bad smell n proteins in it as well heavy vomiting.
Following homeopathic treatments been given to her
Merc 30 for 10 days, 10 drops 3 times a day
Soldiago for 6 days, 10 drops 3 times a day
Lasar 200 for 6 days, 10 drops 3 times a day
Morphine 200 just one dose
Medorrhinum 1m just one dose
Streptomycinum for 10 days, 10 drops 3 times a day
Eel serum for 10 days, 10 drops 3 times a day
Urea Pura for 10 days, 10 drops 3 times a day
Now the symptoms r somehow controlled but not fully under control, she urinate good now but some protienes in it, skin getting dry n dehydrated,lost weight, she's not having solid foods just on water, ensure milk, porridge n other liquids.
still Vomits but the vomit material is 60_70% less now (means if she was vomiting acidic materials at time about 150 ml, now the qty is 30_50 ml, while she vomits)
Watery eyes, demands very cold water again n again..
I'm much much worried about her health, I'm ready to send her lab reports and if needed fresh ones too, I believes homeopathy is more reliable as compared to allopathic treatments. Please please please requested an expert advise/ consultation, I can be reached by e mail at my profile.
Regards n thanks in advance for your time.
Keeping u all in prayers
Near2me on 2016-08-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give her lasix 40 1tblt a day and corn silk kahwa 2 times a days in quantity which she can takes easily hope she will recovered within 7 days. You can use ketosteril tblt with lasix if her stomach can bear it otherwise just lasix and corn silk qehwa will help her to stable. After that you move on homeopathic
♡ saqib9awaz 8 years ago
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