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tinnitus- over 4 years Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If I am indeed experiencing an aggravation of symptoms - when will I know if calc carb is working or not? Thanks for your input.
musica 8 years ago
Perhaps in 2 weeks. 10m's can work
To heal very fast..IF the person is in tip top health. If you are not and it is a Chronic issue it is a slow unwinding ,
And 10m potency of one dose can be working for many months.

That is why for some chronic issues with a sensitive person, one can use LM potencies where you dose daily
And go up the LM scale. Read LM potencies for dummies on hpathy.com.

Patience is key in homeopathy.
Your body has its own wisdom in how
The remedy gradually restores you.
I had 4 remedies with gaps of 3 months between one dose each time of 30c for severe allergies. Some aggravation then seemed like nothing,but I waited. After one year the allergies were "suddenly" gone.
That was 15 years ago .they never came back.
simone717 8 years ago
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I will slow this down and wait a week or two to see if there is some kind of reduction of symptoms and then decide how to proceed.
musica 8 years ago
calc carb would have cured you in 24 hours musica ! but its not happened in your case, so my new recommend is not false basis,i too know about rules of potencies,its nothing wrong in proceeding her with new remedy

,you cant get 10m then go for 1m potency.waiting for your reply musica
nisha301 8 years ago
What happened to baryta mur 10m
Being the cure?
Now it is amm brom 10m being the cure.

Meanwhile patient is aggravating from taking second dose as you advised.

What will happen is new remedy is going to have effects mixed with
Cal Carb aggravation and person is going to want to antidote - and then if they go to a REAL homeopath they will be told come back in some months after confusion of doing this is over.

The forum owner wants members to speak up about dangerous prescriptions. Nisha is not a dr or homeopath but is confident she can find the cures for diabetes and serious cases. Dr Kulkarni on here,
A real life professional thinks we should give her all serious cases as she is a hope for mankind.
simone717 8 years ago
After using two single doses of calc carb 10m over a 6 week period, I now have an enlarged thyroid. Can you please suggest an antidote for this (calc carb 10m)? I would really appreciate this. Thanks.
musica 8 years ago
Seems like ms. Simone's forebodings were not illplaced.
Teupne 8 years ago
Take one dose only of camphora 200c. Nothing to eat or drink half hour before or after. 4 pills let dissolve under the tongue.
simone717 8 years ago
Thank you for the recommendation. Really appreciate it! How long will it take my thyroid to get back to normal? Thanks again!
musica 8 years ago
How do you know it is enlarged?

Have you ever had this before?
simone717 8 years ago
The ultrasound I took found two nodules - both very small.
musica 8 years ago
Could the nodules have been there before taking the remedy??
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 23 Nov 2016 21:06:52 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Sorry I cannot predict how fast camphor is going to work.
simone717 8 years ago
Dear musica

Ayurveda will heal you.Your condition represents excess vayu (air) in you.

Reply if interested. If you check your prakriti on holisticonline. Com under ayurveda section and report scores vata (vayu) would be foremost.

Excess vata shows as coldness, dryness in the body.

It means you can't tolerate cold and dry wind. There are several other symptoms you would be amazed to see.BTW your name musica (music-air) corresponds to vata (air) only.

Good luck.
[message edited by Teupne on Thu, 24 Nov 2016 07:58:53 UTC]
Teupne 8 years ago

such a intersting case has it to be , so cure has over in this case.
Dit 8 years ago
Thanks for all of your recommendations. I really appreciate it. For now I'm going to follow my doctor's instructions, and take Armour thyroid and see if it reduces the nodules, cholesterol and tinnitus. Talk to you later and thanks again for everything!
musica 8 years ago
Good luck musica.
simone717 8 years ago
Nisha, I just want to personally thank your for your great suggestions. I thought calc carb was a great idea for tinnitus (with thyroid issues).
musica 8 years ago
ok musica

thanks for the feedback, my earlier id nisha301 has been suspended due to treating with high potency

now coming to you ,so what are all positive effects you have got so far ,is the thyroid become normal? ,how about tinnitus?
Bon 8 years ago
You were suspended for other things.
Like telling someone to stop posting because you did not like reading their advice.
And for having two user id's at the same time , using user name dit to praise your User name nisha! And your harmful prescriptions. Total propaganda and deceit.

Moderator left that post up as it was outrageous and embarrassing.

None of this is acceptable behavior.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 08 Dec 2016 16:57:57 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
What Simone said.
moderator 8 years ago
whoops. Mistaken post.
[Edited by moderator on 2017-05-28 16:15:53]
moderator 7 years ago

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