The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Kidney stone and Blood in Urine
I have two stones in right kidney ( 10 mm and 6 mm) and have two stones in left kidney ( 5 MM and 4 MM). I am getting mild pain in right side and now I am getting lot of blood in Urine.Doctor has advised me to go for shock wave therapy.
ButI have started taking Berberis Vul Q 20 drops with half cup water in morning and night along with 4 pills of Sarsaparilla.
Should I wait and use above medicines or should I go for shock wave therapy.
Please advise.
akhilasw on 2016-09-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
wait for a week and continue only berberis.
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
akhilasw 8 years ago
Today again i got blood in urine....i am continuing berberis vul q mother tincture and lycopedium30 3 pills...i am getting pain in right side and blood in urine again...could dr anuj or dr kulkarni help me...pls help as i require ur advise....should i wait or go for shock wave surgery....
akhilasw 8 years ago
i had recommended only berberis.have only one medicine and give a feed back after a week.
in addition take mag phos 6x, 5 tabs three times every day.
in addition take mag phos 6x, 5 tabs three times every day.
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Dr Anuj, Blood is not there in Urine every day but sometime I see it while passing urine. When I do brisk walk then some time I get pain in right side and blood may come in urine. Yesterday I had minor pain while touching right side.
Kindly advice if it is normal or I need to take any other medicine also along with berberis? Thanks for your help.
Kindly advice if it is normal or I need to take any other medicine also along with berberis? Thanks for your help.
akhilasw 8 years ago
fall back after starting mag phos 6x in addition,and stop doing brisk walking when it is hurting you.
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Dr Anuj, there is no blood in urine but I get pain some time but that pain subside with few minutes only.
Should I continue with same medicine? I am drinking around 3 liter plus water daily. Please let me know how long it may take to dissolve these stones? Should I go for Ultrasound?
Thanks for your help
Should I continue with same medicine? I am drinking around 3 liter plus water daily. Please let me know how long it may take to dissolve these stones? Should I go for Ultrasound?
Thanks for your help
akhilasw 8 years ago
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