The ABC Homeopathy Forum
irregular periods and pulsatilla
hi all,my wife's period this month extended a bit and because we are travelling next week to visit shrines along with family members, we visited a homeopath to hasten the period.
He prescribed pulsatilla (a very high dose as per him ) and suggested us to take 6 pills 1 time for 3 days only.
After taking the dose for couple of hours, my wife feels heavy giddiness.
We also suspect if she has concieved , that and pulsatilla might be creating issues.
Any thoughts on this?
Otherwise, she is a healthy woman with no BP/sugar ,just that her periods usually arrive with a delay of 3-4 days.
dpnctl on 2016-09-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It only mean that doctor select right remedy.periods of women came according moon month usually 27.5 days sometime between's happen between 40-48 days according sun cycle,ways are different.
DrManojVEDI 8 years ago
Donot try it again,girls face many issue like this after taking pulsatilla.ok for only once othewise you will face issue.
It will go after 1-2 day.
It will go after 1-2 day.
DrManojVEDI 8 years ago
DrManoj, doc also insisted to take medicine for just 3 days, which we will abide by.
My doubt is if pulsatilla has a capacity to abort an early conception too.
I read many articles that ladies became permanently in cable of producing kids, so I am cautious about using this medicine or regular usage.
My doubt is if pulsatilla has a capacity to abort an early conception too.
I read many articles that ladies became permanently in cable of producing kids, so I am cautious about using this medicine or regular usage.
dpnctl 8 years ago
Dr Manoj, can u pls help us know if pulsatilla will have a bad affect if taken after conceiving
dpnctl 8 years ago
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