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CFS/ neurasthenia Page 3 of 3
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I suppose my question was quite simple "What symptoms are persisting now?"
That means what symptoms, as compared to those before starting Lyco, are persisting now?
I think I am clear.
That means what symptoms, as compared to those before starting Lyco, are persisting now?
I think I am clear.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Frequent Urination,have to go toilet to discharge a small amount of urine especially at night
Discolored Toe Nail
Increased Tonsil(Sometimes coughing while drinking water)
Loss of appetite
Itching of Testicles
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); while walking,reading,climbing stairs
Tremors from physical or Emotional causes
Stomach Indigestion;milk after
Eyes,face sunken
Unwanted thoughts
Little acidity,Now Ghee causes acidity
Discolored Toe Nail
Increased Tonsil(Sometimes coughing while drinking water)
Loss of appetite
Itching of Testicles
respiration; difficult (dyspnea); while walking,reading,climbing stairs
Tremors from physical or Emotional causes
Stomach Indigestion;milk after
Eyes,face sunken
Unwanted thoughts
Little acidity,Now Ghee causes acidity
evergreen1 8 years ago
I wonder why you patients can't just be yourselves! I did not ask you to give rubrics but symptoms in your own language. You don't realize You will be at loss due to this tendency, it just misleads a prescriber. If you know everything you could find your remedy too.
However, please take KALIUM CARBONICUM 30C, two doses with 2nd dose 2 hours after the first.
However, please take KALIUM CARBONICUM 30C, two doses with 2nd dose 2 hours after the first.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
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