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****Dr Mohla***6year old son having Fever accompanied with swollen gums and bodyaches...

Dear Dr Mohla,

My son who is 6 years old is suffering from fever accompanied with bodyache since 2 days. He compalined about bodyache on the first day but didnt complain after. He has 100 fever but at night it rises to 101-102. I gave him one dose of Eupo Perfo 200 as I feared dengue or chikungunya which is on rise in New Delhi during this season. He was better but I dont want to continue without your advise. He also had gum infection as it was swollen since he is wearing the metal tooth caps. Took him to dentist and they punctured one of his infection and refixed his cap. He has his gum swollen near wisdom tooth due to which he cant eat. Please look into the case and advise urgently.

  venus0743 on 2016-10-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please advise urgently******
venus0743 8 years ago
pl inform if he is having fever and if yes pl continue with one dose of meds daily for five days only.pl come back if he is not having any fever for dental problem.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Hi Dr Mohla ,

Many thanks for your reply.

I got his blood test , so it is all clear and he doesn't have any dengue or chikungunya either. What medicine should i continue now ? He just has gum infection due to which he had swollen gum near the wisdom tooth. Please advise

venus0743 8 years ago
merc sol 30 one dose daily for three days report.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Thanks Dr Mohla, what about his fever medication ?
venus0743 8 years ago
pl inform me type of fever with cold/sweating/most of the time or at some time any other problem due to fever.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Hello Dr Mohla,

I will list the problems below he is having:

He is warm throught the day, irritated , warm .
The fevers goes to 100 at night.
In day it goes low
He is not sweating.
His permanent teeth are also coming.
He has blisters and sores in his mouth and tongue due to which he cant eat.

He is sleepy the entire day and feels weak.

Please advise accordingly the medicines for fever and if I give him Merc Sol 30 as mentioned above or do you wanna change it.

Urgent reply is requested if possible

[message edited by venus0743 on Fri, 07 Oct 2016 02:25:45 UTC]
venus0743 8 years ago
ferr phos 30 three times daily for three days and then report.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Many thanks Dr Mohla....as always you are my saviour, my son is up and running now
venus0743 8 years ago
Thanks for feed back.
akshaymohl 8 years ago

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