The ABC Homeopathy Forum
For dr Kulkarni, right ovarian cysts
Dr Kulkarni, please help me remove two ovarian cysts.I am a female 48, tall, thin, light color of skin, blue eyes.
I never had health issues before. 5 years ago back problems appeared: sciatica 4th to 5th. Bryonia is the remedy i take from times to times and it is helpful. The last 7 months i am on menopause with no side effects, mostly because i drink methi, fenugreek tea. On the subject now: 3 years ago a small cyst 1,50 appeared on the right ovary. After one year (last year) it became 1,90 and a second one appeared 0,90. This year they both grew 2,2 each. The doctor says it is just water. Please help me remove them. The previous month i took silica 30 twice for 3 days and i also took MSM and kalonji oil. Right now i dont take anything except the methi tea. Please help me remove these. Thank you very much
Stars879 on 2016-10-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Write about all left out info as follows:
Age/Gender/Location/Country/Ethnicity. Height / Weight /Hair color/Skin color/Eye color.
Weather tolerance preference (Heat /cold). Thirsty / Thirstless.
Please explain everything in detail. Don't try to cut short.
When & how your present trouble started? Mention location / side (right or left) of each complaint. What is the probable cause of each of your health problem according to you?
All your past and present health conditions in sequence oldest to newest. All details of previous treatments (oldest to newest) and their effects.
For females: Write about your periods / menses.
Write in detail about you – emotions, fears, sentiments, etc. your personality, physical parameters, habits, feelings about life, etc.
Write in detail about your life: social, family, occupational, schooling, childhood, etc. You should mention about incidences that might have influenced or impacted your mind / health / life considerably.
Write about what common opinions most people have about you; what most people comment /say about you frequently; how they react / interact with you & why?
Write something unique about you (how you are different from others or what makes you special).
Age/Gender/Location/Country/Ethnicity. Height / Weight /Hair color/Skin color/Eye color.
Weather tolerance preference (Heat /cold). Thirsty / Thirstless.
Please explain everything in detail. Don't try to cut short.
When & how your present trouble started? Mention location / side (right or left) of each complaint. What is the probable cause of each of your health problem according to you?
All your past and present health conditions in sequence oldest to newest. All details of previous treatments (oldest to newest) and their effects.
For females: Write about your periods / menses.
Write in detail about you – emotions, fears, sentiments, etc. your personality, physical parameters, habits, feelings about life, etc.
Write in detail about your life: social, family, occupational, schooling, childhood, etc. You should mention about incidences that might have influenced or impacted your mind / health / life considerably.
Write about what common opinions most people have about you; what most people comment /say about you frequently; how they react / interact with you & why?
Write something unique about you (how you are different from others or what makes you special).
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dr Kulkarni thank you for replying to my post.
48 yrs old/ female/ Greek/ 1,75/ 65 kilos/ brown hair/ blue eyes/ prefer heat/ thirstless.
5 years ago sciatica 4th to fifth at a time there i switched jobs and was stressed. I did PT and Bowtech which helped a lot. Lately i discovered bryonia which remarkably helped.
In general i am fine except an overall stiffness.
3 years ago, (2014) in the right ovary a small cyst 1,50 appeared. In 2015 the cysts were two, one 1,90 and the other 0,90. Today i checked them and they were both 2,2 each. In general i haven't done much about them except Silica 30 x 2 for 3 days, msm and kalonji oil. They dont give me any symptom like pain. Please know that the last 7 months i am in menopause without side effects. I drink methi tea.
Emotions are suppressed, i like introversion, meditation and yoga. I can communicate very well with all kinds of people like i know them. I am very self giving to my family and friends and this sometimes drains me. I dont like other people to be sad and many times i dont tell them things that upset them. I dont take medicines, only vitamins. Thank you very much
48 yrs old/ female/ Greek/ 1,75/ 65 kilos/ brown hair/ blue eyes/ prefer heat/ thirstless.
5 years ago sciatica 4th to fifth at a time there i switched jobs and was stressed. I did PT and Bowtech which helped a lot. Lately i discovered bryonia which remarkably helped.
In general i am fine except an overall stiffness.
3 years ago, (2014) in the right ovary a small cyst 1,50 appeared. In 2015 the cysts were two, one 1,90 and the other 0,90. Today i checked them and they were both 2,2 each. In general i haven't done much about them except Silica 30 x 2 for 3 days, msm and kalonji oil. They dont give me any symptom like pain. Please know that the last 7 months i am in menopause without side effects. I drink methi tea.
Emotions are suppressed, i like introversion, meditation and yoga. I can communicate very well with all kinds of people like i know them. I am very self giving to my family and friends and this sometimes drains me. I dont like other people to be sad and many times i dont tell them things that upset them. I dont take medicines, only vitamins. Thank you very much
Stars879 8 years ago
Hello, there is hardly any additional information in your reply. Please read my questionnaire. I have emphasized on detailed health profile. I can prescribe on available information but prescriptions will be of equivalent reliability.
The details are required for your benefit. I need to know everything whether you think it's relevant or not.
Moreover, Sciatica from 4th to 5th means what? which side was it. What is the precise status of it now?
Bryonia might have helped you but it seems that you still have the problem and still take Bryonia. You might be happy with it but that's not how homeopathy should work.
So, do you what me to prescribe on the available info?
The details are required for your benefit. I need to know everything whether you think it's relevant or not.
Moreover, Sciatica from 4th to 5th means what? which side was it. What is the precise status of it now?
Bryonia might have helped you but it seems that you still have the problem and still take Bryonia. You might be happy with it but that's not how homeopathy should work.
So, do you what me to prescribe on the available info?
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dr Kulkarni thank you for your detailed work. I will add: sciatica 4th to 5th bone of the spinal cord, meaning a prollapse disk of light pressure. The pain usually is on the back side of the legs down to the back of the knee,especially on the right leg. In general it is ok but when i walk more than usual or when the weather changes to cold moisture it starts to ache and limits me from doing more things. Resting makes it better. I am a peaceful person who likes calmness and hate tension, pressure and quarels. I had a nice childhood, no traumas, my family loves me, only we dont express our love. In general we dont express feelings good or bad. As a person i have an insecurity on the background, i fear that something might happen to my family. At the time of the sciatica i stayed almost one year unemployed and then i had insecurity, i felt guilty for quiting my previous job, fear that i may choose a wrong path in general. It turned out to find a nice job near my house (opposite from previous) with lovely people and a relaxednenvironment
Stars879 8 years ago
I hope it helped, please let me know if something is missing. I deeply appreciate your devotion to help people in need
Stars879 8 years ago
Some additional info: other people like me a lot, they say i am very friendly, creating an uplifting environment eg if they are sick i will find something positive to change their focus. I have a good mood, i smile a lot. I was a good student and i am very good in my jobs. I am vegeterian, eat healthy i dont like sweets, i like conversations on the spiritual, non limited side of the human being. I couldnt imagine i have to mention all these things for the ovarian cysts.. Thank you so much again
Stars879 8 years ago
Please start with following prescription:
1. CALCAREA PHOSPORICA 200C , pills (buy minimum qty dispensable at the shop), take 5 pills (for one dose) A SINGLE DOSE ONLY ONCE, (NO EXCESS DOSES PLEASE).
Nothing else to eat or drink 1 hour before and 1 hour after the doses.
(This dose works for several days. So, keep patience).
Do’s & don’ts:
1. Stay away from Strong odors. NO use of menthol or similar things.
2. Do not touch medicines or spill them. Use the cap of container (of same medicine) to transfer the medicines.
3. Place the prescribed dose under the tongue and let it dissolve. Keep the dose for at least 2 minutes in mouth.
4. Keep medicine containers airtight, away from direct sunlight, heat, any smell and children.
5. Avoid strong smells and odors AFAP.
6. Do not take any other medicines for any health problems. Most symptoms go as they come within 24-72 hours. Do not apply any cream/powder etc for skin itching / eruption, if any. Avoid anti-dandruff shampoos, Medicated soaps, etc.
7. Report any problems & seek appropriate advice.
8. Otherwise report progress after 1week.
1. CALCAREA PHOSPORICA 200C , pills (buy minimum qty dispensable at the shop), take 5 pills (for one dose) A SINGLE DOSE ONLY ONCE, (NO EXCESS DOSES PLEASE).
Nothing else to eat or drink 1 hour before and 1 hour after the doses.
(This dose works for several days. So, keep patience).
Do’s & don’ts:
1. Stay away from Strong odors. NO use of menthol or similar things.
2. Do not touch medicines or spill them. Use the cap of container (of same medicine) to transfer the medicines.
3. Place the prescribed dose under the tongue and let it dissolve. Keep the dose for at least 2 minutes in mouth.
4. Keep medicine containers airtight, away from direct sunlight, heat, any smell and children.
5. Avoid strong smells and odors AFAP.
6. Do not take any other medicines for any health problems. Most symptoms go as they come within 24-72 hours. Do not apply any cream/powder etc for skin itching / eruption, if any. Avoid anti-dandruff shampoos, Medicated soaps, etc.
7. Report any problems & seek appropriate advice.
8. Otherwise report progress after 1week.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Stars879 8 years ago
Dr Kulkarni thank you for this remedy. I found great improvement for my back 70%, meaning lighter back and legs (bryonia never worked in the back side of legs). I had 20% improvement in the overall stiffness, which means a lot to me. On the first day i had right intestinal ache and right knee pain for 15 min only, in the fourth day i had excess thirst (very uncommon for me) upon waking which lasted 5 hours and left. Today is the sixth day and i can feel my back tired again. For the cysts i can't say anything because as i mentioned i never had symptoms.
This remedy works for me so i want to ask you in general to tell me guidelines of how to use it in the future when i will be without your valuable guidance.
Waiting for your reply, with gratitude.
This remedy works for me so i want to ask you in general to tell me guidelines of how to use it in the future when i will be without your valuable guidance.
Waiting for your reply, with gratitude.
Stars879 8 years ago
Well, it looks like remedy is working favorably.
Just wait patiently and report after 5 days.
So, you realize now the difference between the action of Bryonia and Calc phos. Many remedies work but only one might work properly. However, it's premature to conclude anything. Report after 5 days.
Don't worry about ovarian cysts. I will let you know about it later.
[message edited by DrKulkarni on Sun, 30 Oct 2016 06:45:24 UTC]
Just wait patiently and report after 5 days.
So, you realize now the difference between the action of Bryonia and Calc phos. Many remedies work but only one might work properly. However, it's premature to conclude anything. Report after 5 days.
Don't worry about ovarian cysts. I will let you know about it later.
[message edited by DrKulkarni on Sun, 30 Oct 2016 06:45:24 UTC]
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dr Kulkarni good morning. My back is tired from the sixth day and during these 5 days it continues like that, aching. In reality it is the same as it was before i get the medicine.
Thank you
Thank you
Stars879 8 years ago
Just a correction for the slipped disc, it presses lightly the LEFT leg as i read on the MRI. It is strange as the right leg is aching usually. I hope it clarifies the case more.
Stars879 8 years ago
I hope there is no violation, inadvertent though, of any of the instructions - like you repeated the dose or were exposed to some strong smell, or so.
Please upload the MRI report here or send a scanned copy to my email (click my user id).
Don't you have any problem on LEFT side?
Please upload the MRI report here or send a scanned copy to my email (click my user id).
Don't you have any problem on LEFT side?
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
There was no violation re the dose because that would imply that i know better than you, and thats not true. I feel confident with your prescriptions and i am not in hurry. For the odor are the incense stcks forbidden? Or the toothpaste with clove and cinamon? If the incense are forbidden yes i smell these, but i didnt know. Intuitively i feel you are right because i had tremendous improvement and suddenly gone...
For the pain in the legs i usually feel both of them in the back side, the right one can ache alone frequently, but the left one not so often alone. In the next post i will attempt to translate the MRI, i hope i will make it clear with all the medical terms. As i said i have faith in you
Thank you
For the pain in the legs i usually feel both of them in the back side, the right one can ache alone frequently, but the left one not so often alone. In the next post i will attempt to translate the MRI, i hope i will make it clear with all the medical terms. As i said i have faith in you
Thank you
Stars879 8 years ago
There is no focal bone texture deterioration of pathological signal intensity in the lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae. Small degree leftsided scoliosis which is functional not pathological (meaning due to slightly shorter leg). No pathology in 11-4 vertebral disc space.
L4-L5: light widening (creeping) of the annulus fibrosis (tissue ring) backwards and towards the left , lightly restricts the width of the lower side of the left spinal segment with possible light pressure of the outgoing left L4 root.
L5-1: light widening of tissue ring with very small central and back prolapse (slipped disc) with mild local pressure of the meningeal sac without additional pathology. Normal width of the spinal tube of the sideway spinal segment. Normal medullary cone.
PS: the doctor told me that half of the people have this and it is not serious
Thank you again
L4-L5: light widening (creeping) of the annulus fibrosis (tissue ring) backwards and towards the left , lightly restricts the width of the lower side of the left spinal segment with possible light pressure of the outgoing left L4 root.
L5-1: light widening of tissue ring with very small central and back prolapse (slipped disc) with mild local pressure of the meningeal sac without additional pathology. Normal width of the spinal tube of the sideway spinal segment. Normal medullary cone.
PS: the doctor told me that half of the people have this and it is not serious
Thank you again
Stars879 8 years ago
Yes, the spinal problem doesn't appear to be in proportion with the sufferings you have.
Nevertheless,I hope there is no typing error or so in the report.
However, you may repeat a dose of Calc-phos 200c and report after 5 days.
Avoid odors. We generally don't advise against use of tooth paste but considering all that happened in your case I would suggest you to use simple odorless toothpaste. Actually, toothpaste has nothing to do with dental / oral health.
[message edited by DrKulkarni on Thu, 03 Nov 2016 17:26:31 UTC]
Nevertheless,I hope there is no typing error or so in the report.
However, you may repeat a dose of Calc-phos 200c and report after 5 days.
Avoid odors. We generally don't advise against use of tooth paste but considering all that happened in your case I would suggest you to use simple odorless toothpaste. Actually, toothpaste has nothing to do with dental / oral health.
[message edited by DrKulkarni on Thu, 03 Nov 2016 17:26:31 UTC]
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dr Kulkarni, the remedy worked wonderful again, right from the first day. The improvement is great as tne previous time, 70% although the weather is contra indicated full of humidity and moisture. On the fourth day just as the previous time the excessive thirst occured and lasted for a day, i dont know what that means. Waiting for your post with gratitude.
Stars879 8 years ago
Either the remedy might have got antidoted earlier or you might need repetitions (which is not good if you need many).
Let's wait and hope this time it lasts longer.
Let's wait and hope this time it lasts longer.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dr Kulkarni, thank you once more for choosing the appropriate medicine for me. Four weeks have passed greately after the single dose of calc phos. At the third week as i was walking and my back started to ache and normally i would seat, i continued to walk and realized that i could. End result i stretched my limits and i was perfectly okay. After that my energy levels increased and i can do more things. In short: prolonged walking and standing 80% improvement, same also for lighter, normal back. When i do more things and become tired after a short rest it becomes normal again. The medicine continues to work...i guess it can continue...
Now one issue that came up is after doing more things my right shoulder has started to ache during extension (movement). I went to the doctor and he said it is from overuse and to put ice and watch if it freezes (limits the movement). He said it develops into frozen shoulder and i will do PT. It aches when i extend it on the sides 45o and in front. Ice helps with the pain but it doesnt heal it. Its been like that for 3 weeks.
Thank you very much
Now one issue that came up is after doing more things my right shoulder has started to ache during extension (movement). I went to the doctor and he said it is from overuse and to put ice and watch if it freezes (limits the movement). He said it develops into frozen shoulder and i will do PT. It aches when i extend it on the sides 45o and in front. Ice helps with the pain but it doesnt heal it. Its been like that for 3 weeks.
Thank you very much
Stars879 8 years ago
Did you ever have this shoulder pain in the past or it's totally new?
Is it steadily increasing or stable?
Well, it's time to get your sonography done. It will also give an idea if things are going right or wrong which am bit doubtful of.
By the way, is there any history of Tuberculosis in your blood related family members, even generations before?
[message edited by DrKulkarni on Sun, 04 Dec 2016 05:30:35 UTC]
Is it steadily increasing or stable?
Well, it's time to get your sonography done. It will also give an idea if things are going right or wrong which am bit doubtful of.
By the way, is there any history of Tuberculosis in your blood related family members, even generations before?
[message edited by DrKulkarni on Sun, 04 Dec 2016 05:30:35 UTC]
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dr Kulkarni good morning, i didnt have this pain in the right shoulder before, only i would feel both shoulder kinds of tired. The movement is not limited at all yet, only the pain is there at the end of the movement. I will do the ultra sound, sometimes doctors are imagining. The pain is steady, not increasing. For turbeculosis not at all, since i live in Europe, anyway never heard anything. I will send f/b after the u/s. Thank you for the great success in my back
Stars879 8 years ago
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