The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Blister on upper lip
Come down with a fever blister maybe twice a month. I take Acyclovir to prevent it from coming to the surface. Started about 2 years ago. Very painful and embarrassing. What remedy to you suggest?[message edited by tommyjim on Tue, 25 Oct 2016 23:09:16 UTC]
tommyjim on 2016-10-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can try nat mur 30c. Take 3pills dissolve in mouth. Then wait to see effect. If you see it start to go down, wait for 6 hours or so and if you feel that it is still acting then do not take another dose until you think effect has worn off.
If nothing happens after 24 hours it is wrong remedy. Otherwise you can have a few doses timing them as effects lessen. more is not better , it will make the blister return.
This blister usually indicates your immune system is low. Not enough sleep , overwork, or some underlying
Chronic physical stress. You need to find out what that is and handle it.
You can try nat mur 30c. Take 3pills dissolve in mouth. Then wait to see effect. If you see it start to go down, wait for 6 hours or so and if you feel that it is still acting then do not take another dose until you think effect has worn off.
If nothing happens after 24 hours it is wrong remedy. Otherwise you can have a few doses timing them as effects lessen. more is not better , it will make the blister return.
This blister usually indicates your immune system is low. Not enough sleep , overwork, or some underlying
Chronic physical stress. You need to find out what that is and handle it.
♡ simone717 8 years ago
I also did the Remedy Finder here on the site and it recommended both arsenicum and ariamus muscaria and sarsparillus. I've also seen thuja mentioned on the forum here as well. But I'll take the nat mur 30c. Are you a homeopath?
tommyjim 8 years ago
I have been studying about 4 years.
Click my name to see profile.
I have given nat mur 30 c for fever blister, cold sore, looking at it as an acute to many people and it works well.
If you are looking to have your case taken as to the blister and underlying things, you can do that. look thru the forum posts and click user names and make a thread with the prescriber in your headline.
Click my name to see profile.
I have given nat mur 30 c for fever blister, cold sore, looking at it as an acute to many people and it works well.
If you are looking to have your case taken as to the blister and underlying things, you can do that. look thru the forum posts and click user names and make a thread with the prescriber in your headline.
♡ simone717 8 years ago
If the blister is happening singly( not as a group), nitric acid 200c helps for many people. In case Nat.mur fails to relieve, you can keep nitric acid as second option.
If the blister is happening singly( not as a group), nitric acid 200c helps for many people. In case Nat.mur fails to relieve, you can keep nitric acid as second option.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
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