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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

White Discharge

Age 24 , very slim, fair complex, married, having 2 kids, house wife,

Iam suffering from white discharge , it started before my puperty, no itchings , white in color ( like boiled rice water),

calm type and reserved in nature ;

having leg pain and lower back pain;

periods are irregular;

dizziness in early morning time;

having 7,8 hours of sleep daily but not feeling satisfied;

having some depression also in family life;

I searched some websites and observed that nat mur is a good remedy

will it suits me

please advice me and doseage details
  Gruckoz on 2016-11-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
DrKulkarni - can you please suggest
Gruckoz 8 years ago
Pl take
1. Calc Carb-200 6 pills twice a day for 15 days and then come back
homeo helper
homeo_helper 8 years ago

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