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Child fever and breathing problem

My child is girl. Age 3 years.fair, she has cough and nose block. I applied antium tart 30c and cough gone. But nose block not gone. Last two weeks her nose was block and other every thing was normal. Now day before yesterday suddenly I have found some heat in her body afternoon. Night I found fever is there, breathing problem, demanding water every hour, fever going and coming, likes open air, in room likes cold air, nose watery but block, aconite 30c given yesterday afternoon and night now also. Please suggest what is correct medicine
  AMINUL ISLAM on 2016-11-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Don't prescribe on your own, unless you are very familiar with homeopathy.

Give her nux vomica 200..4 pills..before going to bed for three nights only and report back.

gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Sir thank you. She is now demanding to massage her body gently, and asking for water every 30 min later and drinking one or two sip. Likes open air. It is morning 4.54 now still dark. I have nux Q only at this moment. Now she is sleeping, i know she will get up again after 30min. Sir please advice.
AMINUL ISLAM 8 years ago
Ok. Give her nux Q.. 5 drops mixed in a little water, when she wakes up.

Procure nux 200 and do as suggested.

gavinimurthy 8 years ago

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