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Curious to know reason for Hairfall and Bowel Gas
I am a 28 year old man who is single and weigh 65 Kgs. I stay in Bangalore and work for IT company. I am having hair fall since past few years. It has worsened in the past year along with IBS - D (which is alright now).I am taking homeopathy medicines for the same since past 2 months. Doctor said "Male Pattern" and prescribed medicines. Medicines given in first month seemed effective (hair growth was faster and i went to haircut 10-15 days earlier). I do not see much improvement even though almost same medicine is repeated 3rd time this month.
Medicines prescribed (as I could approximately from prescription)
1) AF 1M (a total of 3 tabs)
2) Sch***** 200 (3 tabs a day for a month
3) SL Q (lotion to be applied 10 mins before head bath)
I would like to know the reason for hair fall. First month I remember Dr telling me hair fall could be because of hormonal imbalance (Di-Hyrdro Testosterone), fluid loss, general weakness etc.,
This time he told this is "simple hair fall" and hair fall caused by DHT imbalance would look different. Yet, medicines doesn't seem to be changed. I want to know the reason for hair fall (I feel understanding the reason is the first step to get out of it).
Doctor whom I consult prefers not to tell much details to patients because they will have phobias. This time he mentioned that I should not assume that I have hair fall. But reality is - all of my family members, colleagues, barbers have pointed out that hair is lost in forehead till upper part of head. I am a thoughtful person yet not a person who is afraid of symptoms or have delusions.
My History associated to hairfall:
Hair fall started off in my college final year (2008) where i roamed much for projects and stuff. Forehead looked little bigger. Then, in 2009 when I had worried for not having a proper job and very hard water. In 2010 end I was under much of stress at work and personal life. I changed location and took a 3 month of course of allopathy for hair fall (Andro Anagen) and saw improvement. I had lot of stress in Malaysia where I had considerable amount of hair fall from head and even from body. Hair fall worsened because of anger in Sep 2015 and by Dec 2015 it stabilized. Now I don't see much hair fall and there is no growth.
Importantly, I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome from August 2013 which was diagnosed by Mar 2014. I came out of disease by Oct/Nov 2015. I took medicines for hyperacidity / bowel gas till Feb 2016. No IBS episodes more than once or twice in almost a year.
I am "free" from any regular medicine from Mar 2016 till today with help of Yoga, Pranayama, Psychologial Counseling etc., After being a counselee, I recently completed a 6 month long weekend course on Counseling psychology and aware of basics.
I would like to highlight that my appetite is not good/active enough (don't think its because of bowel gas) since past 2 months. I am also getting bloating if eat more than usual quantity and when I eat in between 2 course of food/snacks since IBS (So, I keep my food limited to feeling adequate).
After March 2016, I would say my life is good overall. Both at work and personal life is not much at stress. Stress has been declining with occasional gas / hyperacidity troubles. I do not get stomach pain when I have bloating. Bowel gas gets released through farting often when i have trouble which is becoming common since past 2 months. Mostly gas is odourless and sometimes smells bad. Though I feel bloating in tough days at office, I wonder why I have bowel gas in usual days.
I would like to mention that I am having food at hotels for past 6 months with more care.
Only thing I could mention specifically is my work is not giving much satisfaction by achieving or working to a better standard. I don't think I have depression.
Eating Habits:
I am a Vegetarian and don't eat spicy or too oily food and chinese food and pizzas. I love to eat sweets, yet I kept to eat with limits of small quantities. Biscuits and chocolates r also kept at possible minimum. I don't eat fruits except juices rarely.
Please clarify if this hair fall is psycho-somatic or because of which hormone imbalance and what measures can I take
raamind on 2016-11-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Acid phos 3c or 6c 2 times in day.(3c better)
Silicea 6x 4 tabs 3 times in a day
For next 2 month.
Report me in every 15 days.clean your forehead 2-3 times with wet cloth
[message edited by DrManojVEDI on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 15:49:20 UTC]
[message edited by DrManojVEDI on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 15:56:01 UTC]
Silicea 6x 4 tabs 3 times in a day
For next 2 month.
Report me in every 15 days.clean your forehead 2-3 times with wet cloth
[message edited by DrManojVEDI on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 15:49:20 UTC]
[message edited by DrManojVEDI on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 15:56:01 UTC]
DrManojVEDI 8 years ago
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