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Bad smell from penis ruining my life
Hi....I'm a 50 years old male and I have this horrible smell coming from my penis that i want to get rid of.
I have very good hygeine and wash under the foreskin with plain soap twice every day, and make sure that i rinse thoroughly. According to advice from one Ayurvedic Clinic doctor, I have tested Urine, Sr. Testosterone, HIV, Gonorrhoeae, VDRL and all but all found to be normal and nothing exists.
It all happened after I masturbated a lot in my early age and once I dipped in the river water to get swim, then continued to go home with wet underwear and since then bad smell started to feel. It’s been 20 years back. I cannot go to public places and difficult maintaining at work place due to this smell.
Whenever I consult Ayurvedic Clinics online they propose some remedy but nothing fruitful result.
Please advice as what remedy could overcome my desease or any treatment plan available would be welcome. The smell might ruin my life if it cannot overcome sooner.
Please help me out….thanks.
chharo on 2016-11-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear joquestion, we seems to be suffering from same problem. Have you overcome your penis odour now? what remedy do you take?
chharo 8 years ago
♡ akshaymohl 8 years ago
chharo 8 years ago
♡ akshaymohl 8 years ago
no joint pain. whether in wash room or in any other room smell is always there as people as far as 300/400 meters away feels the smell and shows awful attitude. i cannot visit others nor can anybody come in to my place. i need urgent treatment...please advice.
chharo 8 years ago
how much water you drink daily and how much frequency of urine.any dribbling of urine after urination.
♡ akshaymohl 8 years ago
i don't drink much water but i feel same whether to drink more water or not. frequency of urine depends on climate change as when warm i don't urinate much and when cold i have frequent urination every now and then. sometimes i urinate just a little drop only.
chharo 8 years ago
♡ akshaymohl 8 years ago
No, there is no sweat at all. I doubt myself there must be skin infection or maybe some problem inside. Can anyone tell me what is to be done if in case it is a skin infection?
chharo 8 years ago
chharo: pl try aloe s 30 twice a day for 7 days. we'll review then.
shyam11 8 years ago
You should try ToppCock Silver penis hygiene gel. Helped me get rid of bad odor on genitals. Google it or look it up on Amazon. I swear by it. Could be the solution you are looking for too.
JAK888 7 years ago
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