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Ovarian cyst outside ovary

Hi, I have had 3 x 1cm cysts outside my ovaries 2 on the left and 1 on the right for the past 5 years! And I have taken many homeopathy remedies and also few herbal remedies (at different timing of course) and nothing has helped me at all, my cysts did not effect my period at all and I don't have any pain BUT I have very large abdomen and pressure on the abdomen, and I feel full after eating anything any amount, right before my cysts I got genital herpes from my boyfriend!!! And one natural doctor told me that herpes could have effected my cysts!!! Only recently I learned that my cysts are OUTSIDE my ovaries! I can't eat any oily or fried food! I become very inflamed and get throat ache like you have a flu! PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN, THANK YOU
  maryam on 2016-12-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
And I gained a lot of weight mostly in the middle section
maryam 8 years ago
Please see how Platina 30 works if you have hot have had it earlier.
kadwa 8 years ago

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