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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Psoriasis since 2003. Requesting Dr Sameer Vermani's help

I have had psoriasis since 2003, I think. It was then in scalp. In 2006, it started in fingers and then in legs and elbows. Meanwhile was scaling heavily, like severe dandruff. I went to an Allopath who gave me Dipsalic which I had used on and off to control the patches. In 2014 August I had a virulent attack of acute Urticaria with severe rashes and itching which started with my hands and then spread all over my body. No anti-allergy tablet brought even the mildest of relief. Within a month I had fever, itching, scaling from all over my body and swelling of hands, legs, ears and face. My entire body turned several shades darker. The ankles of my leg were black. After trying 4 doctors, two of which we were homeopaths, I went to another homeopath whose gave me 3 medicines – Psorinum, Petroleum and Sulphur which got rid of fever, scaling and swelling in 2 days. Itching continued. He changed Suphur to Apis and itching stopped. I was totally free of psoriasis. He stopped Apis. My skin started getting lighter very slowly. There we sporadic cases of rashes (eruptions, as if bitten by bed bugs) which went away as soon I took Apis. The doctor kept me on the first two medicines (Psor and Pet) for more than 2 years now. Now suddenly psoriasis is back in legs and little bit on the scalp and there are occasional rashes on my upper neck. The doctor tried to change the medicine and then put me back on the same but there is no change. Please help.
[message edited by Wadia1 on Mon, 20 Feb 2017 17:03:51 UTC]
  Wadia1 on 2016-12-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Are you taking med now? What medicines?
jawahar 8 years ago
The same I have been taking for 2 years Psor 200 and Pet 200
Wadia1 8 years ago
If you want only Dr Sameer Mavani's help we can wait.
jawahar 8 years ago
I am going to my current doctor now to get a final decision.
Wadia1 8 years ago
Dear wadia,

Sameer Vermani is a real homeopath in San Diego,California.

You can click his name and email him,
But since this is usually a long treatment and requires a lot of study and monitoring, you would most probably have to go private.
simone717 8 years ago
Ok, thanks
Wadia1 8 years ago
Take my help, if you want to.
jawahar 8 years ago
What happened? How are you? do you need help?
jawahar 8 years ago
Dear Dr Jawahar,

In my last visit, the doc increased the potency of Psor to 10M and asked me to take it 4 times a day. Unfortunately, it is not working
Wadia1 8 years ago
I think you should decide who to follow. Which doctor prescribed this 10M med? This ailment will not go away with too high potencies.I am willing to help. Pls state your problem clearly and in simple terms.
jawahar 8 years ago

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