The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Toddler tooth decay
Hello,My 2 year old daughter has very weak crumbly teeth. When her two top teeth first came through, they were not shiny and white, but slightly spotty and mat. They also feel soft when I rub them with my fingernail.
Her teeth began to break and crumble when she reached 18months. Both top eye teeth have snapped in half and her two front teeth are soft to touch with cavities forming behind them.
The top teeth behind her fangs are also very week with some visible signs of decay.
She is still breastfeed and eats a diet of eggs, bone broths, sprouted seeds and nuts, white rice, vegetables, organic meats and stews, cheese and home made yoghurt, cucumber, green apples, blueberries.
She also has fermented cod liver 3x daily with vitamin butter to equal 1 teaspoon daily.
She has a small patch of eczema on her ankle and suffers constipation often. However, we now seem to be managing this quite well since we stopped allowing her bananas.
She has probiotics daily and Body ecology ancient earth minerals.
My diet is similar to my daughters but prior to pregnancy I was vegan until my daughter was nearly 1 year old. I have since changed my diet after learning what my family needs nutritionally and after reading 'cure tooth decay' by Ramiel Nagel and information on the Western A Price
I have recently started giving my daughter teeth combo R by Schuessler- equal amounts of 6x CALC FLUOR, Calc phos, Ferr phos, mag phos and silica.
Thank you greatly in advance.
♥ Tiffere on 2016-12-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can you please tell me more about her ? Describe her temperament to me in more detail.
What is her date of birth?
What are the diseases that run in the family?
Any other health concerns for her?
Please tell me as much about her as possible.
Any fears etc ?
Can you please tell me more about her ? Describe her temperament to me in more detail.
What is her date of birth?
What are the diseases that run in the family?
Any other health concerns for her?
Please tell me as much about her as possible.
Any fears etc ?
sameervermani 8 years ago
My darling daughter was born at home on 18/10/2014
She has not been vaccintated
She had a stool sample taken in Feburary 2015 that showed she was not digesting protein and not digesting vegetables very well. The doctor suggested digestive enzymes that we have struggled to give her.
She also had low levels of good bacteria so we rotate pre and probiotics daily. This helps her constipation a lot.
The stool sample also showed high levels of klebsiella which we reluctantly treated with bacterium antibiotic. After a month of this treatment, both her top eye teeth broke in half.
She has been sick with a cold twice in her life and bounced back after a day or so. She has been around a lot of sick children or adults at playgroup but she rarely shows symptoms of any illness.
Her father has MS, as does her grandma and Aunty. Her uncle and nanna are celiac. She does not eat a lot of food with glutton- perhaps once a month she will have pasta or 1 piece of bread.
Her mother's side suffers psoriasis and hand dermatitis. When she was younger, she suffered diaper rash that would not go away- even though she did not wear diapers. Skin scrapings were taken from this and it was not fungal. We have dogs who she loves and use to sit on, we think perhaps it was some sort of mite. The rash went away on its own after we kept her away from the dogs. It took about 3 months for the rash to subside.
She has always been a fat baby. Very well covered even though she eats very little. But she asks to be breastfed all the time. Only in the last month has she started sleeping through the night and not needing to be breastfeed. She loves fruit but we now keep her fruit intake limited to some blueberries, green apples, strawberries. She will only eat food and water at room temperature.
She runs hot. Forever kicking the blankets off through the night. She sweats and her little feet stink after wearing shoes.
She is very intelligent. She has been out of nappies from 12 months old and prior to that has pooed on the toilet from 3months old.
She is very timid and shy and loud noises use to upset her greatly such as the vaccumme cleaner. But once the vaccumme cleaner has been turned off she will want to play with it. She also gets very startled if I walk away from her too quickly even though we are in our own home and she is familiar with the environment.
She is ok with loud noises that are in her control.
She loves to read books and draw. She will demand to be read her whole book library before getting out of bed in the morning and asks to be read to throughout the day. If I don't read her books to her, she gets very cranky and starts to act very naughty and wingy.
She plays very well by herself and has started make believe play with her dolls.
She loves to be around other people but only in the comfort of her parents or grandparents. She will watch other kids play and it takes her a long time before she tries to join in. And then if the other kids speak to her directly, she runs back to her parents.
At home with her mother, she can become quite demanding. Screaming for something she wants. But she is generally a very well behaved little girl and will do as she is told without too much trouble such as picking up her toys.
She will not go to sleep without her mother unless she is in the car.
Her mother also had a stool sample done which showed she did not digest protein well either and had no good bacteria in her digestive system. She also has a hair sample taken for heavy metals which showed high levels of mercury and aluminium. Her mother now takes chlorella daily.
Thank you for your response.
[message edited by Tiffere on Mon, 26 Dec 2016 03:02:47 UTC]
[message edited by Tiffere on Mon, 26 Dec 2016 03:10:41 UTC]
She has not been vaccintated
She had a stool sample taken in Feburary 2015 that showed she was not digesting protein and not digesting vegetables very well. The doctor suggested digestive enzymes that we have struggled to give her.
She also had low levels of good bacteria so we rotate pre and probiotics daily. This helps her constipation a lot.
The stool sample also showed high levels of klebsiella which we reluctantly treated with bacterium antibiotic. After a month of this treatment, both her top eye teeth broke in half.
She has been sick with a cold twice in her life and bounced back after a day or so. She has been around a lot of sick children or adults at playgroup but she rarely shows symptoms of any illness.
Her father has MS, as does her grandma and Aunty. Her uncle and nanna are celiac. She does not eat a lot of food with glutton- perhaps once a month she will have pasta or 1 piece of bread.
Her mother's side suffers psoriasis and hand dermatitis. When she was younger, she suffered diaper rash that would not go away- even though she did not wear diapers. Skin scrapings were taken from this and it was not fungal. We have dogs who she loves and use to sit on, we think perhaps it was some sort of mite. The rash went away on its own after we kept her away from the dogs. It took about 3 months for the rash to subside.
She has always been a fat baby. Very well covered even though she eats very little. But she asks to be breastfed all the time. Only in the last month has she started sleeping through the night and not needing to be breastfeed. She loves fruit but we now keep her fruit intake limited to some blueberries, green apples, strawberries. She will only eat food and water at room temperature.
She runs hot. Forever kicking the blankets off through the night. She sweats and her little feet stink after wearing shoes.
She is very intelligent. She has been out of nappies from 12 months old and prior to that has pooed on the toilet from 3months old.
She is very timid and shy and loud noises use to upset her greatly such as the vaccumme cleaner. But once the vaccumme cleaner has been turned off she will want to play with it. She also gets very startled if I walk away from her too quickly even though we are in our own home and she is familiar with the environment.
She is ok with loud noises that are in her control.
She loves to read books and draw. She will demand to be read her whole book library before getting out of bed in the morning and asks to be read to throughout the day. If I don't read her books to her, she gets very cranky and starts to act very naughty and wingy.
She plays very well by herself and has started make believe play with her dolls.
She loves to be around other people but only in the comfort of her parents or grandparents. She will watch other kids play and it takes her a long time before she tries to join in. And then if the other kids speak to her directly, she runs back to her parents.
At home with her mother, she can become quite demanding. Screaming for something she wants. But she is generally a very well behaved little girl and will do as she is told without too much trouble such as picking up her toys.
She will not go to sleep without her mother unless she is in the car.
Her mother also had a stool sample done which showed she did not digest protein well either and had no good bacteria in her digestive system. She also has a hair sample taken for heavy metals which showed high levels of mercury and aluminium. Her mother now takes chlorella daily.
Thank you for your response.
[message edited by Tiffere on Mon, 26 Dec 2016 03:02:47 UTC]
[message edited by Tiffere on Mon, 26 Dec 2016 03:10:41 UTC]
♡ Tiffere 8 years ago
I been trying to upload some photos to no success. Is there another way I can send them?
Thank you
[message edited by Tiffere on Mon, 26 Dec 2016 03:21:10 UTC]
Thank you
[message edited by Tiffere on Mon, 26 Dec 2016 03:21:10 UTC]
♡ Tiffere 8 years ago
First of all, congratulations for raising her vaccine free and giving her such a healthy diet/lifestyle.
That's one precocious kid you've got there :)
The remedy I would like you to give her is Silicea 30c. JUST ONCE SINGLE DOSE.
You need to STOP the cell salt mixture (teeth combo R) you are giving her.
Dissolve 2 pellets of SILICEA 30c 250 ml spring water (let them melt in water for 15 mins and shake gently once melted), and then rub about half a teaspoon of that on her wrist (palm side where the wrist skin is thin, and veins are visible), till it gets absorbed.
Report to me in 1 week after this dose. In particular, please observe as to how she she does in her fear of noises, offensive foot perspiration and constipation.
Good luck !
[message edited by sameervermani on Mon, 26 Dec 2016 04:02:26 UTC]
That's one precocious kid you've got there :)
The remedy I would like you to give her is Silicea 30c. JUST ONCE SINGLE DOSE.
You need to STOP the cell salt mixture (teeth combo R) you are giving her.
Dissolve 2 pellets of SILICEA 30c 250 ml spring water (let them melt in water for 15 mins and shake gently once melted), and then rub about half a teaspoon of that on her wrist (palm side where the wrist skin is thin, and veins are visible), till it gets absorbed.
Report to me in 1 week after this dose. In particular, please observe as to how she she does in her fear of noises, offensive foot perspiration and constipation.
Good luck !
[message edited by sameervermani on Mon, 26 Dec 2016 04:02:26 UTC]
sameervermani 8 years ago
Thank you so much for your response. I find it very interesting as in her mothers mineral test she was extremely low in silica and the doctor told her to take silica but she stopped after learning it was not recommended to take while breastfeeding.
I would also like to add that I had no idea how intricate homeopathy is!!! I have spent hours reading this site and I am astounded by the complexity of it all. In my small amount of reading of this site, I have gained utmost respect for those who study and practise homeopathy and thank you greatly for sharing your advice with me.
I have hubner silicea in gel form, would this be OK to use or is it something completely different from what you recommend?
Also, I failed to mention our two year old suffers cradle cap and is seen itching the top of the head even when cradel cap is not evident.
She also gets tiny blisters on the margins of her eyelids.
Are breastfeeding mothers able to use homeopathy?
Thanks again for your time and advice.
I would also like to add that I had no idea how intricate homeopathy is!!! I have spent hours reading this site and I am astounded by the complexity of it all. In my small amount of reading of this site, I have gained utmost respect for those who study and practise homeopathy and thank you greatly for sharing your advice with me.
I have hubner silicea in gel form, would this be OK to use or is it something completely different from what you recommend?
Also, I failed to mention our two year old suffers cradle cap and is seen itching the top of the head even when cradel cap is not evident.
She also gets tiny blisters on the margins of her eyelids.
Are breastfeeding mothers able to use homeopathy?
Thanks again for your time and advice.
♡ Tiffere 8 years ago
It is completely different than the gel you have. Silicea 30c, is a special potentized version of material Silica, and it can be bought in pellets form in heath food stores across US or can be procured online. Cradle cap actually confirms the remedy further.
Homeopathy is extremely deep, and at the same very gentle. In my years of helping people with deep chronic conditions, I have not come across another system of medicine that can even touch it for the depth and breadth of healing it can provide. Treating young children, or the mom while she is carrying the baby, using homeopathy, is actually one the best things one can do for the long term health of the child.
It is extremely safe when used correctly, and can be taken by breast feeding mothers. In-fact, for infants that are breast fed, that's one of the best ways to get the remedy to the child's system (mother taking the remedy, instead of the child).
If you are breast feeding her multiple times, it might be better for you to take the remedy. It acts really well on the child through breast milk.
If you were to take it, I would advise taking 3 doses of it, orally, at 30 minutes gap, no more.
Dissolve 2 pellets of SILICEA 30c 250 ml spring water (let them melt in water for 15 mins and shake gently once melted), and a teaspoon from there is one dose.
About this site, not all advise is of equal quality. You can click on usernames and find more information about the prescribers.
[message edited by sameervermani on Tue, 27 Dec 2016 17:48:32 UTC]
Homeopathy is extremely deep, and at the same very gentle. In my years of helping people with deep chronic conditions, I have not come across another system of medicine that can even touch it for the depth and breadth of healing it can provide. Treating young children, or the mom while she is carrying the baby, using homeopathy, is actually one the best things one can do for the long term health of the child.
It is extremely safe when used correctly, and can be taken by breast feeding mothers. In-fact, for infants that are breast fed, that's one of the best ways to get the remedy to the child's system (mother taking the remedy, instead of the child).
If you are breast feeding her multiple times, it might be better for you to take the remedy. It acts really well on the child through breast milk.
If you were to take it, I would advise taking 3 doses of it, orally, at 30 minutes gap, no more.
Dissolve 2 pellets of SILICEA 30c 250 ml spring water (let them melt in water for 15 mins and shake gently once melted), and a teaspoon from there is one dose.
About this site, not all advise is of equal quality. You can click on usernames and find more information about the prescribers.
[message edited by sameervermani on Tue, 27 Dec 2016 17:48:32 UTC]
sameervermani 8 years ago
The silicea arrived today. Thank you
♡ Tiffere 8 years ago
I've noticed big changes in my daughter since giving the remedy. I'm not sure if this is due to the remedy or just toddler testing times!
Her bahaviour is very challenging. She has stopped listening to me and all tactics applied in the past don't work anymore. She is very frustrated and very impatient. She is hitting the animals and me and her dolly.
I feel my breast milk is drying up so this could contribute to her moods.
Her teeth are still worsening. But she is allowing me to clean them better so the sensitivity must be diminishing. However she is touching them all the time. She can still eat raw carrot.
She is interested in trying new foods.
She is not shy around strangers anymore. And greatly plays up for their attention.
She let me wash her hair for the first time without screaming!
She has developed dry skin on the sides of her nose which she had for a nearly a year a few months ago. No creams or oils help this and we live in a humid environment. So it must be internal.
The eczema on her foot was almost gone but today I have noticed it returning.
She still passes pebble like poos.
Can you please advise the next step.
Thank you
I've noticed big changes in my daughter since giving the remedy. I'm not sure if this is due to the remedy or just toddler testing times!
Her bahaviour is very challenging. She has stopped listening to me and all tactics applied in the past don't work anymore. She is very frustrated and very impatient. She is hitting the animals and me and her dolly.
I feel my breast milk is drying up so this could contribute to her moods.
Her teeth are still worsening. But she is allowing me to clean them better so the sensitivity must be diminishing. However she is touching them all the time. She can still eat raw carrot.
She is interested in trying new foods.
She is not shy around strangers anymore. And greatly plays up for their attention.
She let me wash her hair for the first time without screaming!
She has developed dry skin on the sides of her nose which she had for a nearly a year a few months ago. No creams or oils help this and we live in a humid environment. So it must be internal.
The eczema on her foot was almost gone but today I have noticed it returning.
She still passes pebble like poos.
Can you please advise the next step.
Thank you
♡ Tiffere 8 years ago
The remedy was given 2 weeks ago.
I failed to mention she is also covering her ears a lot with loud noises like the vacuum cleaner, trucks going past etc. She is a lot more sensitive to loud noises.
I failed to mention she is also covering her ears a lot with loud noises like the vacuum cleaner, trucks going past etc. She is a lot more sensitive to loud noises.
♡ Tiffere 8 years ago
sameervermani 8 years ago
I feel the remedy has had some positive effects. I wash able to wash her hair again last night without her making a fuss at all. Prior to the remedy she would not allow her head under water so we rarely washed her hair. Her scalp is looking very good. Almost clear. It is almost like a switch has been flicked I'm her and she is managing some situations a lot better than how she use to previously.
After reflection on her behavior these last couple of weeks, changes in her environment are contributing to her naughty behavior. Her father has gone away on a business trip so I have been spending less quality time with her rather then playing. Today I have spent quality time with her and she has been my perfect little angel again. The dry skin on her nose seems to be clearing and she had a good stool this morning. Yesterday and the day before I gave her a stronger probiotic and have been pushing water to compensate for my milk drying up.
Her main symptoms at the moment are sensitivity to loud noises and she does not like mess. Or may be change. An example of this is the dog knocked the hose reel off its perch and she became very distressed. Or she was watching a cartoon with a monkey in it that was knocking furniture over and she became very distressed.
Her teeth appear to crumble more when she is going through a big growth spurt. As a parent it is painful to watch as I do not know what more I can be doing. She eats healthy food and we implement the Weston a price guide lines. I feel that the enamel on her teeth was poorly formed in utero and we are lucky that her teeth we not worse than what they are.
I know her next teeth will be super strong though.
Thank you for your help
After reflection on her behavior these last couple of weeks, changes in her environment are contributing to her naughty behavior. Her father has gone away on a business trip so I have been spending less quality time with her rather then playing. Today I have spent quality time with her and she has been my perfect little angel again. The dry skin on her nose seems to be clearing and she had a good stool this morning. Yesterday and the day before I gave her a stronger probiotic and have been pushing water to compensate for my milk drying up.
Her main symptoms at the moment are sensitivity to loud noises and she does not like mess. Or may be change. An example of this is the dog knocked the hose reel off its perch and she became very distressed. Or she was watching a cartoon with a monkey in it that was knocking furniture over and she became very distressed.
Her teeth appear to crumble more when she is going through a big growth spurt. As a parent it is painful to watch as I do not know what more I can be doing. She eats healthy food and we implement the Weston a price guide lines. I feel that the enamel on her teeth was poorly formed in utero and we are lucky that her teeth we not worse than what they are.
I know her next teeth will be super strong though.
Thank you for your help
♡ Tiffere 8 years ago
Please wait for another week. I think, things will improve further.
You gave her just one single dose right?
You gave her just one single dose right?
sameervermani 8 years ago
Hello Sameervermani,
I wanted to let you know that my daughters tooth decay has stopped and hardened!!! It also appears the tooth is growing back as there is no more hole. I kept up with the homeopathy, diet and also cell salts and are so relieved to have had fantastic results.
I wanted to thank you very much for your help.
She poos properly everyday and is on/off sensitive to load noises, but I think this is due to her second molars coming through.
Thank you once again for your help :-)
I wanted to let you know that my daughters tooth decay has stopped and hardened!!! It also appears the tooth is growing back as there is no more hole. I kept up with the homeopathy, diet and also cell salts and are so relieved to have had fantastic results.
I wanted to thank you very much for your help.
She poos properly everyday and is on/off sensitive to load noises, but I think this is due to her second molars coming through.
Thank you once again for your help :-)
♡ Tiffere 7 years ago
GodFirst87 6 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.