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Painful Symphiolysis during pregnancy

Hi there,

I'm 30 weeks pregnant and am struggling with very painful symphiolysis.

I am taking Arnica periodically for hte pain but it is not enough. I find that hte pain is increasing (as the pregnancy progresses) and it's difficult to even walk.

Are there any remedies that will help this condition? I am also caring for a toddler and find it very difficult (almost impossible) to do alone right now.

To give some history, I have also had a prior C-section and double inguinal hernia mesh repair surgery in the last two years.

  maddie37 on 2016-12-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What is the exact location and sensation of the pain?

What makes it better or worse?

Since when do you have this problem?
sameervermani 8 years ago
There is little/no pain when I am immobile. When I move, lift anything, or start walking after being immobile for a while... the pain is awful. At times, it feels like a stabbing pain in my right (or left) side. Other times, I get shooting pain down the back of my legs. I also hear my pelvis 'pop' when I to move or roll over.

The only thing that makes it better is not moving at all.

I was diagnosed with this condition at week 13 of my pregnancy. During my first pregnancy, I had double inguinal hernias and was also in severe pain. So it's possible that I was dealing with it then also.
maddie37 8 years ago
The pain is in the pubis symphysis ?

Tell me more about your temperament in general.

What if anything would you like to change about yourself?

Areas of your life where you feel stuck?

Tell me about your food cravings and aversions.

Diseases that run in the family?

Any other health problems?

Any fears or anxieties?

Tell me anything else that bothers you (think of going from head to toe in your body and tell me any symptom you experience).

Please be as detailed as possible.

General things that make you feel better or worse.
sameervermani 8 years ago

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