The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nodular-cystic acne
Im suffering from severe nodulocystic acne all over my back since 2009. Please help me out. In the recent time took a homeopathy treatment but it did not help much. In the treatment doc prescribed various medicines like sulphur 1m, radium brom 30, Kali brom 200, nat mur 30, silicea 30, calc fluor 30, asterias 200, calc sulph 6x, hephar sulph 1m, nux vom 200. Obviously not together but she kept on changing medicines again and again since I was not getting benefits from any of these medicines. Apart from acne I'm suffering from chronic constipation, flatulence and headaches always. Symptoms get worse in summer and whenever I take rich spicy food, dry fruits etc.Even after leaving all these addictions I continuously suffer from acne having less cysts- nodules but they are always there on back and chest.Ramneek on 2016-12-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take one dose Calcarea Carb 1m.
Avoid sour food and drinks as they will interfere with medicine.
If the medicine works you will get relief from constipation and flatulence in a week and acne will disappear in a month.
Avoid sour food and drinks as they will interfere with medicine.
If the medicine works you will get relief from constipation and flatulence in a week and acne will disappear in a month.
♡ telescope 8 years ago
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