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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Piles from last 2.5 yrs

Dear sir

I am suffering from pilesand and from last 4 days its bleenig from inside and stool is also coming with blood.and there no itching and pain , pile is there from last 2.5 yes but blood is coming now a days only.
Sir pls suggest medicine for this.
Abt me and my habit.

I vikash ,31 yrs old male from Raipur Chattishgarh.
Working as a Hotelier, Single , love salty food, average body with 5.3 ft height,now a days my living schedule is fix and food taking on time, sleep time is approx 6 hrs.I don't consume tobbaco and cigarette only take beer once in a week,sometimes eats masala food.

I will be highly oblige for ur kind advice.

Thanks and regards
[message edited by vikash.patel1 on Fri, 13 Jan 2017 08:31:47 UTC]
  vikash.patel1 on 2017-01-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
nux vom 30 c evening time daily and sulphur 30 c morning time empty stomach for five days .Both meds will run together .after 5 days hemmamelis 30 c three times daily for 7 days .REPORT.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
OK sir
vikash.patel1 8 years ago
Dear sir
As per ur prescription I had taken medicine and I got relief now bleeding is totally stop .
But the outer muscle which is hanging aside of anus is there, is in double size of peas.
Pls suggest some medicine so that this swellon muscle can be removed.
and inside anus there is pilesalso which stops stool to pass out smoothly.
[message edited by vikash.patel1 on Sun, 29 Jan 2017 08:07:20 UTC]
vikash.patel1 8 years ago
Any itching burning/pain/itching during or after stool.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Yes sir , sometimes it burns while passing stool. No itching there.
[message edited by vikash.patel1 on Tue, 31 Jan 2017 11:37:35 UTC]
vikash.patel1 8 years ago
after nux vom pl take only two doses daily of aloe 30 for 15 days.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Sir nux com 30 will be continue or not?
vikash.patel1 8 years ago
only for 5 days repeat for three days and then start aloe as advised.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Dear sir
I had the medicine for 15 days and stool is smoother now and the flesh which was outside which got reduce by half of its size, but hanging near anus.
Any change of medicine.
Pls suggest.
vikash.patel1 8 years ago
aloe to continue for 7 days more.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Today I had found bleeding while stool coming out and it was coming after stool.
vikash.patel1 8 years ago
hemamelis 30 three times for 5 days.Report about blood and continue aloe.
akshaymohl 8 years ago

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