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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

5 week old with GERD


My daughter is 5 weeks and she spits up very often and grunts as soon as we lay her down ( we have tried inclined no angle works) so my husband and I take turns at night to hold her or she grunts until she wakes up crying.

I just bought nat phoz 6x but I want to know what else can I do. I am already in a hypoallergenic diet, giving her and taking probiotics and she is breastfed only.

Help please
  Tati85 on 2017-01-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please use Natrum Phos 6 and see how that affects. Other possibilities are Nux Vomica 200 and Chamomilla 200. Please try one by one.
kadwa 8 years ago
What is the dose for the nat phos 6x and is it completely safe for a 5 week old? No side effects ??
Tati85 8 years ago
1/2 pellet twice a day with mother's milk. These remedies are quite safe and without any side effects.
kadwa 8 years ago
I have a seven week old daughter who is having a lot of discomfort with reflux. I would like to try this...so you have any updates of how it worked for you
Vydiana 7 years ago

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