The ABC Homeopathy Forum
discharge nasal thin watery then thick and again thin now
Thin discharge right nostril with sneezing- took Allium Cepa 3 days-no improved switched to Anti histamines-felt better-but after 14 days got up in morn with pain on sinus pocket (cheek) and eye ball with low fever and right neck ache- took Bellodona 30 2 doses- pl suggestSmav1949 on 2017-02-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take ferrum phos 6x cell salt. 4 tabs
Every 4 hours for 3 days. Start nat mur 6x today ..4tabs 4 times. If sneezing and drip stop - stop nat mur and only dose again if mucous starts up.
You can take both together- Ferrum Phos if taken consistently when a
Feeling of cold or flu is started AT
The ONSET will usually nip it in the beginning .
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 19:15:25 UTC]
Every 4 hours for 3 days. Start nat mur 6x today ..4tabs 4 times. If sneezing and drip stop - stop nat mur and only dose again if mucous starts up.
You can take both together- Ferrum Phos if taken consistently when a
Feeling of cold or flu is started AT
The ONSET will usually nip it in the beginning .
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 19:15:25 UTC]
♡ simone717 8 years ago
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