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Erectile Dysfunction



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Erectile Dysfunction

Hi, I am 36 years old, Currently i an suffering from erectile dysfunction, My sperm become water and when i am interested to make relation with wife my penis don't make harder for intercourse. Its happening from last 6 month after accident happens with me. On 16 June accident happens with me and i took lot of medicine to recover my self with immediate effect. After this accident i feel this ED problem in me. Kindly suggest me good medicine those care my ED problem with thin sperm as well.
Note- I am suffering from Diabetic also, so kindly suggest the medicine to not effect to my diabetic also.
  Nasir2017 on 2017-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take natrum phos 30
Twice a day
Report after a week
mnaari 8 years ago
Hi! I have a friend who's using penis pump to achieve erection. Check PENETRIC website.
It was easy to use and safe with no side effect.
It's just an alternative ways to your problem, and not a cure. But using this will at least help you get laid again and have sex normally.
Zeers 7 years ago

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