The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Baby teething and dose?
Hi,I have a 3 1/2 month old baby, and I believe he is starting to teeth. He is drooling lots and doesn't want to eat much. I have chamomilla 30 CH pellets. I'm confused about the dosing. I've read about 1 pellet 2 x daily and I've read about putting a few pellets in water and giving a teaspoon.
What is the difference? Which do I give 3.5 month old?
I just want him to feel better so he can eat, because if he doesn't eat he wakes more often in the night
He is a happy baby always smiling, it's just when it's time to eat he gets frustrated and wants to take many breaks, he also cries in his naps but he is great at night.
He also takes nat phos 6x from 1 months old bc of silent reflux, but that is resolved
Mariarico on 2017-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi , give ferr phos 6x , kali phos 6x , calc phos 6 and calc flour 6x as a combination for two weeks , All bio chemi , not homeopathy. morning and evening . Half an after feeding.this is for teething.
In water is more effective . In a quater glass put 3 globules , if in tablet form , one tablet. Give a tea spoon of it from the mixture. Use the same in the evening. Make mixture on daily basis. Water makes the medicine more effective.
Kindly Report progress.
GOD is the healer.
Give him Alpha tonic syrup for appitite.
[message edited by Drquest on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 18:47:00 UTC]
In water is more effective . In a quater glass put 3 globules , if in tablet form , one tablet. Give a tea spoon of it from the mixture. Use the same in the evening. Make mixture on daily basis. Water makes the medicine more effective.
Kindly Report progress.
GOD is the healer.
Give him Alpha tonic syrup for appitite.
[message edited by Drquest on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 18:47:00 UTC]
Drquest 8 years ago
Thank you!
Does that say "half an hour after feeding"?
My issue is that he won't eat because of the pain...can I give 15 min before the feeding?
Is 2x a day the maximum I can give?
Does that say "half an hour after feeding"?
My issue is that he won't eat because of the pain...can I give 15 min before the feeding?
Is 2x a day the maximum I can give?
Mariarico 8 years ago
Half an hour before feeding is ok. The idea is that the mouth should be clean. Twice is ok. Will work. God willing he be ok very soon. The boichemic salts will strenghen him to teeth easily. Report after about two days , otherwise will add a remedy for pains.
[message edited by Drquest on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 19:40:45 UTC]
[message edited by Drquest on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 19:44:24 UTC]
[message edited by Drquest on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 19:40:45 UTC]
[message edited by Drquest on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 19:44:24 UTC]
Drquest 8 years ago
Thank you
So I went to the store to buy the remedies and the worker there said to just buy the bio12 combination - so that's all 12 tissue salts.
Can I do that?
So I went to the store to buy the remedies and the worker there said to just buy the bio12 combination - so that's all 12 tissue salts.
Can I do that?
Mariarico 8 years ago
Bio combo has all 12 salts in it and your child does not need those other salts.
Some people take bio combo once a year or so to boost their immune system like a mineral supplement. It does not have same effect as using the salts targeted for the problem.
Bio combo has all 12 salts in it and your child does not need those other salts.
Some people take bio combo once a year or so to boost their immune system like a mineral supplement. It does not have same effect as using the salts targeted for the problem.
♡ simone717 8 years ago
Ok thanks
Is there a remedy that will help just for his sleep? He sleeps only 45 minutes then cries hysterically and is very hard to settle.
I know it might be because of discomfort from teeth or just upset that he woke up.
I would like to give something especially at night because he keeps waking.
Is there a remedy that will help just for his sleep? He sleeps only 45 minutes then cries hysterically and is very hard to settle.
I know it might be because of discomfort from teeth or just upset that he woke up.
I would like to give something especially at night because he keeps waking.
Mariarico 8 years ago
Start the medicine recommended , situation may be related to teething. If no improvment in sleep for two days, will propose medicine for sleep.
Drquest 8 years ago
Ok so I've been giving the tissue salt mixture and it has helped with eating but sleeping got really bad
At this point maybe I am wrong and it's not teething , unless the tissue salts worked???
Someone told me there is a big developmental growth at 3-5-4 months where they sleep less and are more fussy.
I think it's this...he is waking so much in the night and napping poorly.
Is there something to help baby with sleep as he goes through this mental growth?
At this point maybe I am wrong and it's not teething , unless the tissue salts worked???
Someone told me there is a big developmental growth at 3-5-4 months where they sleep less and are more fussy.
I think it's this...he is waking so much in the night and napping poorly.
Is there something to help baby with sleep as he goes through this mental growth?
Mariarico 8 years ago
How much of sleep does he have in the full day? Maybe you have to try that he doesnt sleep in the day time. I want to avoid something for sleep as the baby may become addicted. The slats may also improve the situation , give it time.Also does he drink water?
[message edited by Drquest on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 13:36:08 UTC]
[message edited by Drquest on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 13:36:08 UTC]
Drquest 8 years ago
He takes 2x 1.5 hours naps and 1x 45 min nap....which they say is good for this age. His quality is poor though--cries a few times within each nap. He seems tired still when he wakes.
The only water he gets is when I give homeopathics/tissue salts and probiotics-- maybe a few teaspoons in a day
But he's happy during wake time
Maybe I can take something for him to go through breastmilk?? I'm usually an anxious and nervous person about everything
[message edited by Mariarico on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 14:34:27 UTC]
The only water he gets is when I give homeopathics/tissue salts and probiotics-- maybe a few teaspoons in a day
But he's happy during wake time
Maybe I can take something for him to go through breastmilk?? I'm usually an anxious and nervous person about everything
[message edited by Mariarico on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 14:34:27 UTC]
Mariarico 8 years ago
Drquest 8 years ago
Give him chamomilla 30 before sleeping at night .Please report progess , otherwise will change medicine.
[message edited by Drquest on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 15:54:15 UTC]
[message edited by Drquest on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 15:54:15 UTC]
Drquest 8 years ago
He is 15 pounds
How much chamomilla? 1 pellet in water, shaken?
Should I stop teething then?
He just has drooling
How much chamomilla? 1 pellet in water, shaken?
Should I stop teething then?
He just has drooling
Mariarico 8 years ago
No continue with the teething . Give this three globules in water , one tea spoon half an hour after the teething medicine. Order rescue remedy from Bach theraphy for yourself so you also become calm.God is the curer.
[message edited by Drquest on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 20:50:52 UTC]
[message edited by Drquest on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 20:50:52 UTC]
Drquest 8 years ago
Hi drquest
Here's an baby is definitely going through a sleep regression and things have gotten worse- he is only doing 40 min naps in the day and at nighttime he is waking every hour, sometimes just babbling noises. He is very low on sleep.
Chamomilla dies not seen to be doing anything.
His eyes lids are red from tiredness but overall is happy baby.
Any other way to help with this developmental stage? I feel bad that he can't sleep
Here's an baby is definitely going through a sleep regression and things have gotten worse- he is only doing 40 min naps in the day and at nighttime he is waking every hour, sometimes just babbling noises. He is very low on sleep.
Chamomilla dies not seen to be doing anything.
His eyes lids are red from tiredness but overall is happy baby.
Any other way to help with this developmental stage? I feel bad that he can't sleep
Mariarico 8 years ago
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