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Dandruff gray hair and fallng hair

Plz help me to homeopathy medicines or hair oil make at home. for dandruff and gray hair and falling hair plz help.
[message edited by dabhi99 on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 06:02:48 UTC]
[message edited by dabhi99 on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 11:08:10 UTC]
  dabhi99 on 2017-02-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Whats your age? Is it pre mature greying?
Drquest 8 years ago
sir my age is 24...height 6ft...weight 76 kg..i had habit of masturabating 5 times daily by rubbing penis against bed for hours since 5 years. ....due to which i lost many vital nutrients ....my 90% hair became grey....sir my vitamin b12 is 185pg/ml...is it possible to reverse them to black?
harry250513 8 years ago
Use Thyrodin 30 , three times a day for one month. Then Thyrodin 200 every week for a month.Use coconut oil mixed with Jaborandi Q , Apply after every two days. No coffee and mint. Also take Alpha Tonic syrup once a day , one teaspoon. Take seven seas , eat five almonds every day, morning preferbly .
Your health will also improve. If non veg, eat sea food and pilau of bones , Mutton or Beef.
Kindly report progress.
Dont use Shampoo , use bath wash.

Allah is the curer.
[message edited by Drquest on Fri, 17 Feb 2017 18:43:31 UTC]
[message edited by Drquest on Fri, 17 Feb 2017 19:37:23 UTC]
Drquest 8 years ago
sir will my hair turn to black?
harry250513 8 years ago
God willing , there must be some improvement
Drquest 8 years ago
Hello, how many drops of the Jaborandi Q do we add to the oil? Ive seen it mentioned a few times for helping grey hair.
Starlight4 last week

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