The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Bladder neck obstruction
I am 30 year and Almost a year ago March 2016 I was having problem urinating. And I had few drop of sperm coming out of my penis after urine at least once a week. Later, I was diagnosed with chlamydia and my doctor gave me azithromycin (Zithromax®) onetime dose and it clear out everything. It was all well until July 2016, I had the same symptoms back again. (Sperm coming after urine, but this time more than once a week), I visit my doctor again, he run all the test and came out negative but I still have huge discomfort down there. I decided to visit other urologist and he diagnosed me with “Bladder Neck Obstruction” and prescribes me with “Cardura” and then later change to “Omnic 0.4mg”.Now, my current complaint is that I still have discomfort on my lower stomach, testicles and inside the penis but it’s on and off and the main problem if I don’t have intercourse for 2 weeks, I felt pressure top of my penis tip and after urine I have sperm coming out until I have intercourse. After intercourse I have pain in my lower abdomen for few days. I complaint this to my doctor he said it’s normal due to my bladder neck issue.
I will appreciate if you recommend me any medication that will be give me relief, I really want to stop taking Omnic.
HHH on 2017-02-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ deoshlok 8 years ago
HHH 8 years ago
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