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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I m 39. 5'6". 83 kg, wheatish complexioned, bp is 140/110. Outdoor duty. Tensed character. Prob aggevates if sleep less than 8 hours. Do not like sweet. Did not consume milk last 20 years because digestive problem. Dedicated but can not take easily changes in life. Starting prob, once started can go well. Hesitate to meet new people. Responsible. Please guide to bring down bp. Pain in left side of chest with the rise of bp. Headache. Heat on body. Intolerance to cold. Stool not hard, but does not come out easily, with lots of time.
  Ramabrata_patra on 2017-03-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take the following remedies;

1. rawolfia-30
2. glonine-30
4. Spegilia-30

five drops each and report after one week.

Mahfoozurrehman 8 years ago

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