The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Kidney, Liver & No Sexual Health !
I am male 36, Never Married, weighs 65 KG & 5'6" tall (approx).- after taking meal, my foots feel warm/burning, specially the left one. Acidity & Stomach problems.
- digestive system disorder as well.
- my liver has never been in good health sinch childhood & many times I suffered severe liver related problems.
- two times in life my lungs has been affected very badly by a virus & one time filled with water when I was 16. my bones are soft.
- I am suffering Hair loss since last 8 years & very few left now.
- my heart is weak & it start pumping fast when somebody is shouting in next room. weak hearts also makes me Coward & little bit insecure.
- eye side is weak too & I can't open eyes in day light even If I am standing under Tree shadow & outside is sunlight.
- left side of my Nose bone is increased since 15 years making sinus problems.
- bloood pressure has always been very low. it's still low till now.
- I have been bullied since age of 8 (1988) till almost now 2017. It make me coward, insecure & Irritating. I need some healing too.
I am losing weight, that suggests my spleen/pancreas is weak. The wet dreams and poor sexual health suggests a kidney deficiency, very possibly of both yin and yang.
when I bent down, there is a crack sound in my knees, back & bone density is also low & bones are soft. I also feel waves of pain in Upper inside Thighs which is related to sexual weakness & disorder.
the Mantak Chia from thailand put stress that Wet Dreames shold be stopped & reversed so that the Sperms/Semens go back to body and make the bones Strengthed & tendon strong. If there is any medicine in Homeopathy about it, please suggest me.
I am loosing sexual power in Urine & Stool.
Ardos on 2017-03-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Staphysagria 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over 15 days.
One dose means 2 pills or 1 drop.
One dose means 2 pills or 1 drop.
♡ kadwa 8 years ago
♡ kadwa 8 years ago
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