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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Can I take Nat Phos with other phosphates? For GERD/LPR

Ok so my intention is to use Dr Joe's remedy for acid reflux/LPR - Nat Phos 6x.

I found this product which contains 5 types of phosphate salts including Nat Phos 6x. Is this ok to take? By the way, what is I suffer from HYPOacidity as opposed to hyperacidity. Will this remedy (Nat Phos) still help to stop LPR? My throat gets inflammed at times (lump in throat)

Energy Boost and Nerve Tonic Natural Remedy (Bio24) - contains Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Nat Phos, all 6x (proprietary blend)
  lokesh90 on 2017-04-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You are already taking direction from a homeopath. You have to follow one
Person and not mix prescriptions as they can have bad reactions together and cancel each other out.

You are asking about 5phos cell salts-
There are 12 salts. Sometimes the
Phos part of salts are put together so people who need this do not have to purchase 5 bottles.

For gerd ask your dr if you can take nat phos 6x alone.

Also for gerd,usually people have been eating too acidic. This starts
Causing cells to become an acidic ph
When they should be alkaline ph.

You have to change the diet-one cannot just take remedies and cure this if the diet is not right.

Cut out acidic foods , chocolate , tea,
Heavy spices,and do not eat or snack after dinner. Google acidity of foods.
After a couple weeks there will be improvement and you can then have these things in moderation.
simone717 7 years ago

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