The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Difficult eczema in 13 month old
My daughter is 13 months old, overall healthy and active, no vaccinations or antibiotics or allopathic medicines (except one dose of tylenol in ER) has had eczema since almost birth. I was on heavy antibiotics during pregnancy to prevent transmission of lyme disease.Due to eczema and possible GI pain (pain response as small infant sent us to ER as I mentioned), we had her on amino acid based formula for milk allergy. Her father had milk intolerance/allergy as a child. I had eczema as a child. Both of us have airborne allergies / hayfever.
The eczema is on her cheeks around her mouth and on her right hand. It is very red, blisters and weeps, peels and she scratches until it bleeds especially if it gets wet and at night. She sucks her thumb.
She does not eat well, very picky particularly will not eat meat. Loves peas, broccoli, spaghetti... dry foods only. Loves/craves cheerios or rice chex cereal... no fresh fruit only dehydrated crunchy except sometimes banana pieces. Has NEVER allowed anyone to feed her with a spoon which led to late solid eating... we had to wait until she could pick up cereal with her fingers.
Very active and sociable, independent. Gets very angry when forced to do something she doesn't want to do. Have to make trades with her for things she has that she has to give up. Will play alone for extended periods of time. Gets bored easily.
She is very warm at night and doesn't like covers at all.
She has seen a naturopath for many months. She is given white willow for teething, was on Cal Carb for teething for a while along with it. Tried eliminating the yogurt she would have with breakfast and it hasn't made a difference. It's been a few weeks.
She was put on rhus tox LM1 with minor improvement mainly in the weeping blistering aspect but nothing else. Is now on cal carb LM1 with the idea that the cal carb teething remedy kept the eczema from being severe months ago and that's why the eczema is so bad now. Her personality doesn't really fit cal carb in my opinion, she is more sulphur. ND says that in a few more days if no obvious improvement then try one 30c sulphur and we'll see.
Any further opinions on this would be helpful.
Thank you in advance.
Peace4you on 2006-03-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
not to use LM potencies as such less acertain that remedy is CORRECT in choosing or this with sensitive patients when c potencies give overaction and still remedy chose is correct characteristics you describe sulphur 30c IS correct to start treatment---BUT first give single (2 pellets) dose nux-vomica 200c before sleep 1 hour after last eating...
folowing morning single (2 pellets) dose sulphur 30c..
child is to refrain from all acidic foods and drinks (tea;all carbonated soft drinks;vinegar;tomatoes;fruits and fruit juices;..etc) ; avoid all sweets (refined white and brown sugar;leavened breads;corn syrup;...etc) ; all milk and milk products ------only organic 100% pure maple syrup as sweetener can be used ----
no skin cremes/ointments/sauves....etc-----ONLY coconut oil as cover as needed--patted dry...
no other medicines/remedies/treatments at all..
folowing morning single (2 pellets) dose sulphur 30c..
child is to refrain from all acidic foods and drinks (tea;all carbonated soft drinks;vinegar;tomatoes;fruits and fruit juices;..etc) ; avoid all sweets (refined white and brown sugar;leavened breads;corn syrup;...etc) ; all milk and milk products ------only organic 100% pure maple syrup as sweetener can be used ----
no skin cremes/ointments/sauves....etc-----ONLY coconut oil as cover as needed--patted dry...
no other medicines/remedies/treatments at all..
♡ John Stanton last decade
"not to use LM potencies as such less acertain that remedy is CORRECT in choosing or this with sensitive patients when c potencies give overaction "
I don't understand this phrase. Can you please rephrase this? Why is LM not good?
Why do I need to give nux-vomica? What is its purpose?
Why do I need to refrain from all allergenic foods and for how long?
She does not eat dairy or sweets except fruits. She barely eats anything solid. I cannot eliminate any more foods because there is nothing left that she will eat. She will NOT eat anything else... she is very strong willed. She would rather scream with hunger than eat anything she doesn't like.
The idea is to stop the body from being allergic no? Do I really need to stop all her food?
Please explain your advice? I appreciate it.
I don't understand this phrase. Can you please rephrase this? Why is LM not good?
Why do I need to give nux-vomica? What is its purpose?
Why do I need to refrain from all allergenic foods and for how long?
She does not eat dairy or sweets except fruits. She barely eats anything solid. I cannot eliminate any more foods because there is nothing left that she will eat. She will NOT eat anything else... she is very strong willed. She would rather scream with hunger than eat anything she doesn't like.
The idea is to stop the body from being allergic no? Do I really need to stop all her food?
Please explain your advice? I appreciate it.
Peace4you last decade
LM potencies....originated due to the sensitivity that was occuring when correct remdy was given and original potencies (x and C) gave strong aggravtion---BUT the certainty was correct for remedy choice (most HOMOepathic)---and by the remedy selections and response in DAUGHTER"S case shows there is no acertainty that remedy selection was correct--and to give on this level (daily LM potency without the taught guidelines only gives chance of bestowing medicinal di-ease characteristics)--
so as til wisom/knowledge are prominent--30c is good start--access and then 200c---access and if same remedy is still required then LM may be used---this need be monitored and acesssed throughout--
dietary restrictions are for NO UNNECESSARY aggarvtion/complication during treatment-----it is guidelines..
nux vomica is to clear guide any taint that may have been placed by other remedies used prior,,clear case--precaution so as no overlapping of symptomoogy (proving symptoms/partial homoepathicity) so as accessment of sulphur can be clear...
may even wait 2 days (2nd morning after nux-v ) to take sulpur---this depends on response from nux---best to give nux and post if any change from there(any thing at all) --allow to settle and access---then sulphur to be administered..
so as til wisom/knowledge are prominent--30c is good start--access and then 200c---access and if same remedy is still required then LM may be used---this need be monitored and acesssed throughout--
dietary restrictions are for NO UNNECESSARY aggarvtion/complication during treatment-----it is guidelines..
nux vomica is to clear guide any taint that may have been placed by other remedies used prior,,clear case--precaution so as no overlapping of symptomoogy (proving symptoms/partial homoepathicity) so as accessment of sulphur can be clear...
may even wait 2 days (2nd morning after nux-v ) to take sulpur---this depends on response from nux---best to give nux and post if any change from there(any thing at all) --allow to settle and access---then sulphur to be administered..
♡ John Stanton last decade
Thank you John that is very clear.
Today my daughter's eczema looks better... and also it seems that her face had been swollen because today it actually looks smaller to me! However, her mood is VERY agitated and distressed. She is very miserable. Why is this do you think? (I am waiting until tomorrow to see how she is doing before I give the ND an update and ask more questions.) She is still not eating much at all. She is more tired than usual.. she napped long and went to bed early tonight very easily... usually she fights sleep any chance she gets.
Could her mood be part of an aggravation from the correct remedy? Could she be in pain?
It is too early to tell if this is just the end of the flare (that it will just get worse again very soon) or the Cal Carb was indeed correct.
Is it possible, that IF the cal carb IS correct that the LM1 will not be potent enough to do the full job? Might she need a dose of 30c or the cal carb? Is that often necessary?
I'm looking forward to seeing how the eczema is tomorrow!!
Super thanks!
Jen :)
Today my daughter's eczema looks better... and also it seems that her face had been swollen because today it actually looks smaller to me! However, her mood is VERY agitated and distressed. She is very miserable. Why is this do you think? (I am waiting until tomorrow to see how she is doing before I give the ND an update and ask more questions.) She is still not eating much at all. She is more tired than usual.. she napped long and went to bed early tonight very easily... usually she fights sleep any chance she gets.
Could her mood be part of an aggravation from the correct remedy? Could she be in pain?
It is too early to tell if this is just the end of the flare (that it will just get worse again very soon) or the Cal Carb was indeed correct.
Is it possible, that IF the cal carb IS correct that the LM1 will not be potent enough to do the full job? Might she need a dose of 30c or the cal carb? Is that often necessary?
I'm looking forward to seeing how the eczema is tomorrow!!
Super thanks!
Jen :)
Peace4you last decade
rule--with Lm use---stop usage when aggravtion or amelioration occur and wait til settles---take keen observation--ONLY if NO new symptoms exist AT ALL ,,and aggravtioj has settled --then continue LM dosing til aggravtion or amelioration occur agian and repeat process---BUT REMEMBER NO NEW SYMPTOMS AT ALL --if so new rememdy is being called for--or overaction of remedy given either way ---stop and wait til settles-
also may be partial homoeopathic to case --give some -seemingly --cure/amelioration---in this case again--STOP remedy and wait see what occurs and access from there---
but from symptoms you tell sulph wil be needed..
too many hands in case become confusing--ok as long as NO dosing crazy--need be patient--observant and allow each remedy response occur without complication from diet-or improper prescribing---i do not know yopur prescriber--but for you to post here under their care --shows some uncertainty upon your part...
also may be partial homoeopathic to case --give some -seemingly --cure/amelioration---in this case again--STOP remedy and wait see what occurs and access from there---
but from symptoms you tell sulph wil be needed..
too many hands in case become confusing--ok as long as NO dosing crazy--need be patient--observant and allow each remedy response occur without complication from diet-or improper prescribing---i do not know yopur prescriber--but for you to post here under their care --shows some uncertainty upon your part...
♡ John Stanton last decade
also note willow bark contains salicylates and will aggravate skin condition--this need to know ---the indescrimant use of herbs in neglect of the ''whole'' being's health is NOT valid...
abstain form willow bark for calc carb supplemntation---if calc is correct remedy (most homoeopathic) calcium is not being assimilated properly---this calls for vitamin D/vit K through essential fatty acid supplementation-----giving calccium as supplement only complicates when underlying dis-ease is not dealt with...
abstain form willow bark for calc carb supplemntation---if calc is correct remedy (most homoeopathic) calcium is not being assimilated properly---this calls for vitamin D/vit K through essential fatty acid supplementation-----giving calccium as supplement only complicates when underlying dis-ease is not dealt with...
♡ John Stanton last decade
She is worse again today but not too horrible. She is sleeping so well so I guess the Cal Carb has helped in some ways at least.
Can I do the nux vomica tonight and sulphur tomorrow morning or do I have to wait a few days?
I have to find the homeopathic remedies locally... the ones that dissolve easily. The ones I have are hard and take a while to dissolve.
Can I do the nux vomica tonight and sulphur tomorrow morning or do I have to wait a few days?
I have to find the homeopathic remedies locally... the ones that dissolve easily. The ones I have are hard and take a while to dissolve.
Peace4you last decade
dissolving not a probalem--set in water (2 tablesppons) allow time and give that way..
single dose nux-v 200c and post back to response --if overaction of calc --willsee some settling--also note that when an ameliortaion occur (betterment of any sort occur) more remedy is to be administered--til symptoms call for it---...may need to use lycopodium in between sulph and calc --but much depends on symptoms after nux-v-----will access after nux-v dose...
single dose nux-v 200c and post back to response --if overaction of calc --willsee some settling--also note that when an ameliortaion occur (betterment of any sort occur) more remedy is to be administered--til symptoms call for it---...may need to use lycopodium in between sulph and calc --but much depends on symptoms after nux-v-----will access after nux-v dose...
♡ John Stanton last decade
For this disease in homoeopathy is the only solution for you because it is no any side effect, no toxicity, no any reaction, no sleeping pills for thatYou presented your detail in not enough for homoeopathic treatment I request you present your sign & symptoms with your expression / sensation / Feeling / Event / Gesture in turn of . I will present you a healthy prescription to you
1. Age
2. Sex
3. Married/Unmarried
4. weight
5. Height .
6. country
7. climate
8. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3
9. Diabetic or non Diabetic
10. Desire sweets/sour/salt
11. Thirst
12. Tongue
13. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
14. What exactly is happening ?
15. How do you feel ?
16. How does this affect you ?
17. How does it feel like ?
18. What comes to your mind ?
19. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
20. How did that feel like ?
21. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
22. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
23. current medicine you are taking
24. family back ground
25. qualification of patient
26. Nature of working
27. desire and aversion of food
28. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. Any confidential and private matter to be discuss by email. please send photographs of effected area.
29. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
1. Age
2. Sex
3. Married/Unmarried
4. weight
5. Height .
6. country
7. climate
8. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3
9. Diabetic or non Diabetic
10. Desire sweets/sour/salt
11. Thirst
12. Tongue
13. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
14. What exactly is happening ?
15. How do you feel ?
16. How does this affect you ?
17. How does it feel like ?
18. What comes to your mind ?
19. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
20. How did that feel like ?
21. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
22. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
23. current medicine you are taking
24. family back ground
25. qualification of patient
26. Nature of working
27. desire and aversion of food
28. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. Any confidential and private matter to be discuss by email. please send photographs of effected area.
29. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
I gave 30c sulphur 3 days ago and stopped all wheat and her rash was looking better but still slightly inflamed.
The immediate result from the sulphur remedy was giddiness (we were in the car when I gave her the bottle with the remedy). Her mood was ok the rest of the day, had a unusually long nap and in the evening went to bed early but slept very lightly and irritable in her dreams. Woke several times upset wanting a bottle. In the morning she had a big smile her on face. Had soaked through her diaper and bed linens.
Her temperment was ok although she was more tired than usual. Had a large messy yellow diarrhea diaper which is totally not like her... smell was horrible... first time she has had diarrhea I think. All other diapers have been normal since. Napped pretty normally but was extremely tired and distressed by evening and went to bed early and slept deeply. Woke once (typical) for bottle. Soaked through her diaper again?? Thinking about it, it seems her urine output has increased significantly.
Today she ate babyfood that had some tomato in it. Had a nap for 3 hours which is not like her and woke very disturbed wanting a bottle and is very irritable. Her rash is very red and weeping a lot. Looks terrible. Could the tomato work so quickly and completely?
Should I give more sulphur? Arum triphyllum? Graphites? I have not tried Graphites and was wondering if that is the way to go or just another sulphur.
The immediate result from the sulphur remedy was giddiness (we were in the car when I gave her the bottle with the remedy). Her mood was ok the rest of the day, had a unusually long nap and in the evening went to bed early but slept very lightly and irritable in her dreams. Woke several times upset wanting a bottle. In the morning she had a big smile her on face. Had soaked through her diaper and bed linens.
Her temperment was ok although she was more tired than usual. Had a large messy yellow diarrhea diaper which is totally not like her... smell was horrible... first time she has had diarrhea I think. All other diapers have been normal since. Napped pretty normally but was extremely tired and distressed by evening and went to bed early and slept deeply. Woke once (typical) for bottle. Soaked through her diaper again?? Thinking about it, it seems her urine output has increased significantly.
Today she ate babyfood that had some tomato in it. Had a nap for 3 hours which is not like her and woke very disturbed wanting a bottle and is very irritable. Her rash is very red and weeping a lot. Looks terrible. Could the tomato work so quickly and completely?
Should I give more sulphur? Arum triphyllum? Graphites? I have not tried Graphites and was wondering if that is the way to go or just another sulphur.
Peace4you last decade
Peace4you last decade
My daughter's eczema continues to look bad. I'm ready to give up after most than 6 months of fighting and just use the stupid steroid cream! I'm using the homeopathics and it's not getting better. I feel stupid for even trying to avoid the toxic drugs for her at this point! Everyone around me thinks I'm an idiot and neglectful mother because I don't want to use steroid cream. I may end up not having a choice.
Peace4you last decade
Peace4you last decade
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