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Carcinosinum 1LM


Just wanted to see if anyone was having issues with Carcinosinum LM1. I am a VERY sensitive person- as I was on prescription drugs for many many years growing up and came off them 6 years ago and ever since have had a very sensitive system, thyroid problems (for which I take Armour) and adrenal issues. That being said- I have a low vitality with lots of health issues. I am only 29 years old. Anyhow- my homeopath after extensively taking my case gave me Carc 1LM. The first time I took it was 12/22/16- I felt nothing/no changes until 12/29/16- where I felt extremely lonely, depressed sad, near suicidal, etc etc etc...which went away within a day or two but I felt no true improvement in my symptoms. Maybe slightly- but nothing to write home about. And I seemed to be 'uneasy' for a while after. The second time I took it-was 1/17/17- I shook the tincture VERY much and did the 5 cup (aggravation zapper method) and I had a huge aggravation about 4 days later-which passed after a day or so- I felt more confident this time, more at ease, less lonely, less cranky/sad, etc etc. BUT my fatigue skyrocketed, my thyroid went a little wacky and I was left dealing with what I like to call 'thyroid depression.' Which is a hormonal depressive state- where you feel low- but it's due to physical/hormonal physiological reasons rather than 'emotive' reasons. I then I went to my conventional doctor who ran a gamete of blood work and discovered I was deficient in a bunch of vitamins and minerals and I had to adjust my thyroid medication. (This was not the case before taking the Carc.) I started taking taking the appropriate vitamins and minerals and I felt better almost instantaneously. I was more happy, confident, sleeping better, more even keeled, etc etc. I was feeling amazing for a while there. Then about 2 weeks ago I noticed my progress backsliding a bit so decided to take Carc 1LM again- shook the remedy very lightly and did the 5 cup method again. Felt nothing for 8 days- then on day 9 I started to feel awful- abandoned, unloved, sad, going over past/present disappointments, sadness, feeling betrayed/scorned, etc etc...but this has now continued for the last 8 + days. I feel that my 'thyroid depression' is coming back and I'm starting to get worried that I messed myself up taking the Carc again. I drank a small cup of coffee this morning to put the breaks on things- I'm hoping it helps and doesn't mess things up even further. But I work/have a full life/need to be a functional human being and the aggravation was getting to be too much. Has anyone any idea of why Carcinosinum would've had this effect on me. It seemed to work on my 'soul' issues but messed around too much with my physical body/hormones... I'm at a loss. Maybe I'm too sensitive for homeopathy at this point in my life. I have used it in the past with massive aggravations but they were short lived and then I felt better than ever. This time the aggravation seemed to go for weeks on end! I'm at a loss...
  PL8437 on 2017-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There is nothing which tells whether the patient is suffering due to homeopathic aggravation or he is suffering due to mismanaged life.
Earlier homeopths used to give nosodes as intercurrent remedy only in single dose. Now with the lm potency gaining popularity homeopaths are following aggressive dosing with nosodes also.
I think that a dose of Kali phos 200 or acid phos 200 should help you out.
kadwa 7 years ago
My life is DEFINITELY not mismanaged. I am EXTREMELY diligent with what I put in my body/how much sleep I get and how I get on in life. I have been using homeopathy on and off for the last 5 years. I know what an aggravation feels like and this was an aggravation. It ceased near completely the day after I took that cup of coffee. I am a highly sensitive person- I was under the impression LM's are gentle. I am asking if anyone has had LM reactions like this, and more so what their experience with Carc has been. I am not looking for advice to take another remedy. I am looking for advice from people who have actually taken these remedies or prescribed these remedies and what their patients have come back with.

[message edited by PL8437 on Mon, 08 May 2017 17:54:46 UTC]
PL8437 6 years ago
Hello PA8437,
I was wondering how did you go with carcinosium? Did you get full healing?
I noticed that sensitive patients will aggravate on lm potencies no matter how gentle it is.
Can I get an update because I also didnt get full relief with carc but I think I felt slightly better
Hope to hear from you like how many times did you have to take it and the outcomes.

[Edited by Nana2 on 2024-02-06 13:14:16]
Nana2 2 months ago

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