The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Stopped medicine but at what potency to restart?
Hello, I started taking Nux Vomica LM1 in January 2016 after seeking advice from a homeopath to address a number of symptoms I have had since 2012. The symptoms started to clear up & I went up the scale of potencies, until I was at LM7 in November 2016. My symptoms pretty much disappeared and I felt there was no need to keep taking the medicine.All has been pretty stable until the last few weeks when I have noticed my symptoms creep back in. I tried taking an LM4 potency of the Nux Vomica but I felt a lot worse after this.
My question is: how do I restart this medicine to combat my symptoms. What LM is best for me to restart on after having such a big break?
Kifi on 2017-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Potency may not be the only reason. You may need a different remedy.
There are very subtle differences between Sulphur and Nux. Many people use Sulphur as intercurrent remedy as it is the king of antipsorics.
There are very subtle differences between Sulphur and Nux. Many people use Sulphur as intercurrent remedy as it is the king of antipsorics.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
voltation 3 years ago
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