The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Benign Parotid Tumor (neoplasm)
Hello,I have been diagnosed with a benign Parotid Tumor growing the left side of my throat. In January 2016 I had surgery to remove the tumor, they got most of it but could not get it all because it was wrapped around my facial nerves. It is benign so they left a very small portion of it. It is now growing back and I would like to find something I can take orally to shrink it. I do not want to have surgery or radiation. I have no other illness and I take no other medications except vitamins, ibuprofen and Tylenol for headache.
Mizvickey on 2017-05-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take rhus tox 200c 3pills daily morning for 3days. Along with calcarea flur 6x 3tablets thrice daily.
Watch changes and report here.
Watch changes and report here.
♡ drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Hi thank you I've just seen your reply. I thought I would get an email if someone replied but I never did and I just came in today to submit the question again.
I will try what you're recommending and let u know if there's any changes.
Thanks again!
I will try what you're recommending and let u know if there's any changes.
Thanks again!
Mizvickey 7 years ago
You can also write to They can give you a protocol online and monitor you. These are 3 generations of md's focusing on homeopathic protocols for serious disease. They are famous for their work, have a huge database , and share their work with MD Anderson
Hosp in texas(largest USA cncr hosp)
Btw- no one emails you on here- all replies are to be on the forum itself.
Hosp in texas(largest USA cncr hosp)
Btw- no one emails you on here- all replies are to be on the forum itself.
♡ simone717 7 years ago
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