The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hepatitis A, liver enzymes still high
Hello everyone.I was diagnosed with Hepatitis A three weeks ago.
I started treatment with :
Carduus Marianus Q, 10 drops, twice a day
Bryonia 30c and Sulphur 30c, three pellets twice a day
I have been taking the treatment for 2.5 weeks.
I have no symptoms left, I'm not tired anymore, I'm very hungry, there's no jaundice anymore and I sleep quite well and deeply.
But there is one problem.
In my blood test reports, the bilirubin has gone down to almost normal levels which is good, but the levels for AST and ALT are still high. They have come down if we compare to the levels when I was first diagnosed, but now they are kind of stuck and not going down more.
AST is at 317 when the normal range is 20-60
ALT is at 679 when normal range is 20-70.
I would like to mention that 3 weeks ago, the AST was at 3000 and the ALT at 4400.
So yes the levels have gone down but for the last 10-12 days, they have stablized to 300 for AST and 600 for ALT... They are not going down more to normal levels.
Is it normal ?
Should I keep taking the treatment I'm taking, or change it?
Thanks in avance
♥ syria on 2017-06-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ homeo_helper 7 years ago
There are no symptoms but my liver enzymes are still elevated (AST/ALT). I need to get them down from 500 to 70.
Can Chelidonium help?
Can Chelidonium help?
♡ syria 7 years ago
Instead Chelidonium, you can take
1. Giloy Satva (Ayurvedic powder), 2 pinch in one teaspoon honey twice a day for 15 days and then do test and see, then give feedback
homeo helper
1. Giloy Satva (Ayurvedic powder), 2 pinch in one teaspoon honey twice a day for 15 days and then do test and see, then give feedback
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 7 years ago
♡ syria 7 years ago
AST/ALT still high... AST down to 150 but should be at 50 and ALT is down at 250 but should be at 50 too...
Any help in homeopathy? I'm still taking 10 drops of Carduus Marianus mother tincture twice a day and Sulphur 30 and Bryonia 30 twice a day...
I'm still symptom free, but this week I expérienced tiredness and weakness in body again. The other symtoms are still fine.
Any help in homeopathy? I'm still taking 10 drops of Carduus Marianus mother tincture twice a day and Sulphur 30 and Bryonia 30 twice a day...
I'm still symptom free, but this week I expérienced tiredness and weakness in body again. The other symtoms are still fine.
♡ syria 7 years ago
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