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Finding the right dosage for chronic illness


I've had psychosomatic pain (very similar to fibromyalgia), anxiety, sweaty hands and severe brain fog for seven years, constantly searching for a remedy that could help me. I´ve been on duloxetine, gabapentin, clonazepam, etc, and nothing worked till i found homeopathy, specially STRAMONIUM DATURA.

I´m pretty sure Stramonium is my remedy, but the problem is that i am not sure how to take ir (potency, number of pellets, times per day), specially when i´m dealing with an illness is chronic.

I also would like to know when to stop taking this homeopathic medication.

I certainly would appreciate any help, thanks!
  dum00 on 2017-06-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What amount of doses and potency are you taking now?
Are you still taking allopathic meds? If so,
What are they and how often?

What you are asking is complicated-
Dosing and potency are tied to the reactions of the patient.
If one finds they need a remedy over and over
Again- this could be palliation and not cure.

Please google "herings law of cure" to get an idea of what homeopaths are looking for in a curative response.
simone717 7 years ago

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