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What now? For Murthy, or if he's absent, another classical h-path

Took psorinum LM1 on April 27th (after 4-5 different LM1 remedies since last June, to which I didn't react).

After the med I got worse regarding sleep and the main physical complaint (bearing down). Then these got very notably well, although the aggravations were at different times. The bearing down was gone for a while, I thought it was cured. During the process, everything went back to how it was before. Had no changes mentally from the medicine, no general sense of well being or such.

Did I have a reaction, and what now, since I'm back to where I started?
  cosmicweaver on 2017-06-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Since it helped you at least temporarily, you can repeat psorinum lm1 now and wait for a month.
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
Thank you. Will do. Appreciate all your help so far.
cosmicweaver 7 years ago
Just to report it's helping again. Bearing down is gone, insomnia improved, I'm less anxious and depressed. About anger or negative reactions from others, I am more accepting and at peace and less stressed out or hurt by it, there was a bit of that last time but now more noticeable. I feel more independent and confident. I've even been told I was more positive and confident lately. There is at least 30% improvement in general. The important thing that didn't improve so far is energy levels, but the rest cannot be overlooked.

Still using Triphala too.
I'll write if/when there's stagnation. Just thought you'd like to read it is helping, since I wasn't reacting before this. It gave me hope. I'll happily use this medicine until all it can fix is exhausted.
cosmicweaver 7 years ago
The relief was so short. The depression gradually came back and now it's like it was. I still sleep somewhat better though, because I'm so tired I get knocked out, I don't even manage to brush my teeth. I don't know if I'm feeling worse when I'm grinding or when I have a day off, both is so depressing.
cosmicweaver 7 years ago
I was suppressing myself to not write before the whole month is over, but I really feel horrible. Actually again I've been praying to die. I am considering going to doctor and getting some antidepressants, even though I'm totally against allopathic meds, but I feel desperate, I can't take this anymore. Should I take psorinum again soon, or should I take something else, I don't know? It relieves me but for such a short time and it's an LM!
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2017-07-02 23:19:36]
cosmicweaver 7 years ago
I can take your case.
Zady101 7 years ago
I appreciate your response. I believe Mr Murthy will be in agreement since he had already suggested to try with another homeopath - he still stayed helping me, probably sensing that that made me feel given up and how badly it impacted me (I am thankful for that) and did manage to help me with psorinum to an extent.

Before psorinum, since last June, I have tried natrum mur, lachesis, lycopodium, sepia and aurum met. I have not reacted to any of these at all. Psorinum was the only medicine that I responded to so far. Just noting that for start, let me know please what other information do you need and I'll list what bothers me currently alongside it.
cosmicweaver 7 years ago
I can't find your original case in detail. Can you create a new thread, ask for me in that
Thread, and mention all your history in detail. God willing we will solve your problem
Zady101 7 years ago

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