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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

severe depression


I have severe depression.

I don’t know how to be free of it.

I just can’t stop thinking about past and future.

If one thought goes away, other comes in automatically. It is making me crazy. I feel so lost.

I was on allopathic medicine for some time, which helped me stop these thoughts. Now I have stopped taking it.

I get suicidal thoughts. I cry a lot too.

Please if any doctor could help me.

I would appreciate it.

  Orgearpaurd on 2017-07-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl explain your past,any anger,any bad habits,any abuse,any disease,your food habits,your age your bowel habits,your behaviour with familh l,frienda and stranger.How and when started.
akshaymohl 7 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply.

My dad passed away when I was six, he had cancr about which he did not tell my mom.

My brother passed away when I was eight.

My mom remarried and came to Canada but my step dad was abusive towards her, they divorced.

I had a bf who wanted to marry me to come to Canada. I broke up with him years ago. He was also verbally abusive to me just like my step father.

I am 34 years old, single woman. I have no desire to marry.

My mom lives with me.

My mom is always worried about my future. On the other hand, I am always worried about my mom.

She worries what is going to happen to me when she ....I think the same if I die then how will she survive.

People back home (in India) have always taken advantage of my mom's kind nature.

I get nightmares that people who were not nice to us in India are doing bad things to us.

I don't have any bad habits. I don't smoke , drink or club. I do drink diet coke, sometimes 2-3 cans a day. It makes me feel relax.

I don't have friends here , people want to become my friends but I do not desire them.

I have joined some social groups. When I feel like, I go for movies or hobbies but I don't want people to know me after the meetup is over.

I do have school friends from India connected to me via facebook.

I always try to avoid strangers, I feel that they are judging me or they are going to harm me.

I do not like when people are rude to others or my mom, sometimes when I see bad happening to an innocent person, I would stand for them even If I don't know them.

I eat home cooked food. If I eat outside a lot , I feel sick.

Sometimes, I get constipated but now a days I am okay.

My behaviour with family and friends is okay. They don't know me anymore because it has been 8 years I have been to India. We talk through facebook or whatsapp.

I have always had depression/anxiety I think.

It was like this in India too but I was too young to know what was happening. Grand mother would just give me some lemonade to relax.

I would cry for hours, my heart beat would be very fast.

I would get easily attach to friends or my bf. It would be hard to leave or break up with them.

Then I started taking cipralex which would help me to stop these thoughts , emotions and crying. When I was on this medication , I didn't cry for two years. I was strong and happy.

But I think I was having side effects of this medicine so I stopped it.

Now the depression is back, these thoughts, anger, crying, anxiety, can't sleep at night.

I just want all these negative thoughts to stop.

If you could help me, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot
Orgearpaurd 7 years ago
staphysagaria 200 0ne dose daily evening time for three days then weekly one dose for one month.mimmulus ,aspen and mustard bach flower two drops each in one table spoon of water three timds daily for 15 days then two times for 7 days ad then one timd dajly for 7 days.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Thank you so much , I will reply soon with the results.

Orgearpaurd 7 years ago

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