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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Excessive masturbation!!!!!!!!!#

Hi frnds am 21 year old..am suffering from premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction..the worst part is i did masturbation daily atleast 3 time for past 4 years..am totally weak and have back pain..can abstaining from mastrubation help me to recover??no need of pills..can I have a child?please do help me guys..i want a natural recovery
  Kpkri on 2017-07-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Discipline,Good diet and excercise can cure you naturally.Pl
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Since 14 iam mastrubuting now 18 plz help me to get rid of it....
Prabhat4 7 years ago
You don't want meds how we can help.
akshaymohl 7 years ago

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