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Arnica 30ch first trimester? Urgent!

I am in my 5week pregnant and I am taking sepia 30ch for heaviness in my belly, but today I tookby mistake arnica 30ch - 3 times in 30min periods because I thought it was sepia? Now I have contractions? How dangerous it is and what should I do to get rid of its action?
Please help, I am so scared?!
  Dididecho on 2017-07-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please, can you also suggest homeopathic treatment during pregnancy to prevent trombophylia, because Drs suggested that maybe I have a risk for that?
Thank you in advance
Dididecho 7 years ago
Leave it alone if the symptoms have decreased but if they are persisting you can take Aconite 6c a couple doses to anti dote.

If you do not have the remedy in hand you might try drinking some coffee.

And try to avoid sepia in first trimester unless it is indicated.
maheeru 7 years ago
Thanks, but I had cotractions from arnica 30ch which I took by mistake, because I thouhgt it is Sepia?
Why not to take Sepia?
Dididecho 7 years ago

Have a look at the thread.

It's more like sepia is second trimester remedy. And if it's doctor/homeopath prescribed then you may continue, if it's just self medication you can discontinue the use of this remedy and try to take a remedy that covers current symptoms.
maheeru 7 years ago

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