The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Need remedy for inflamed pancreas in cat
For Kadma if she is available:My cat Emma 14 y.o. became ill after eating some possibly bad food. She had voluminous semi-loose stools, very light in color (yellow-beige/grey) the first week. I gave her some Huang Lian Su (Coptis herb containing berberine). She seemed better and continued having a healthy appetite.
3 weeks later she's still having looser stools but the volume has dropped. She seemed a bit better but her coat remained poor (spiky/greasy) so I had her blood tested:
-- Leucocytes slightly elevated.
-- Urea borderline high
-- Lipase moderately high (16)
The day after, she had less appetite. The vet suggested herbs to support her kidneys and pancreatic enzymes (from pork pancreas).
I'm hoping you have a remedy to help both organs at this stage. She is normally very eager to eat at any time and steals food from the other cat and me as well ;)! But she is thin, and has become more so since the gastritis. She seems more tired than usual as well.
Thank you in advance.
sozo on 2017-07-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I guess you are looking for suggestion from Dr. Kadwa
Please give Bryonia 200, in wet dose, a few drops in mouth, once or twice a day and in a few should the cat must be good.
Please give Bryonia 200, in wet dose, a few drops in mouth, once or twice a day and in a few should the cat must be good.
♡ Reva V 7 years ago
Thank you for your response. Please help me understand:
The wet dose--Is it stronger than just taking the granules/pills? I was taught that 200 dry would be a fairly strong dose, but in "wet dose" does that make it safer for her--This cat is older and fairly weak and thin right now.
How would I make a wet dose (I've read its putting 3-5 pills in a small glass of water, stirring 15 times and then taking 1/2-1 tsp. for adults. For cats, you would give a few drops then?
Also, your post says that ' a few should the cat must be good.' Did you mean in a few DAYS or WEEKS she will be good...(?).
Thank you for your help!
The wet dose--Is it stronger than just taking the granules/pills? I was taught that 200 dry would be a fairly strong dose, but in "wet dose" does that make it safer for her--This cat is older and fairly weak and thin right now.
How would I make a wet dose (I've read its putting 3-5 pills in a small glass of water, stirring 15 times and then taking 1/2-1 tsp. for adults. For cats, you would give a few drops then?
Also, your post says that ' a few should the cat must be good.' Did you mean in a few DAYS or WEEKS she will be good...(?).
Thank you for your help!
sozo 7 years ago
Tolerance to higher potency depends on the medicine itself. For example, Nitric Acid is too high even in 30th potency (6 is the safer and only potency recommended). Bryonia 200 is gentler than most medicines on 200 potency
You can give dry or wet dose. Wet dose is preferred when ever there is a frequent repetition like this.
For 3 days is good to expect the result.
You can give dry or wet dose. Wet dose is preferred when ever there is a frequent repetition like this.
For 3 days is good to expect the result.
♡ Reva V 7 years ago
Question please to anyone:
How would you interpret the words: "single dose Phosphorus 200c" please...?
I live in France where they have single doses but not sure they use the "c" (usually "ch").
Or, do the words "single" simply mean one dose of three-five pills...?
Thank you in advance. I saw how this cured an animal of Triaditis which I believe my cat has (IBD + Pancrease + Liver problems).
How would you interpret the words: "single dose Phosphorus 200c" please...?
I live in France where they have single doses but not sure they use the "c" (usually "ch").
Or, do the words "single" simply mean one dose of three-five pills...?
Thank you in advance. I saw how this cured an animal of Triaditis which I believe my cat has (IBD + Pancrease + Liver problems).
sozo 7 years ago
Single dose in Homeopathy means either one of them:
a. 2 pills or up to 4 pills of a medicine given directly in the mouth
b. 1 or 2 drops of the medicine in 15 ml of water and either all the water or a spoonful of this water
Either of the means of delivering the medicine can be considered very equivalent and you can choose anyone for equally good benefit.
The more common potencies are 6c, 30c, 200c,... It is referred as 6, 30, 200 (without C) or 6ck, 30ck, 200ck. They all mean the same.
However, in France, they seems to pick different potencies. for 200c, you can pick any potency in France that is closest to 200. You can buy in blue tubes (with approximately 80 pellets) and then take only 2 pellets and give as a single dose.
Hope this helps.
Yes, Phosphorus is a great remedy of Pancreas. However, for the symptoms you described, the primary organ that needs help is Liver with support for Pancreas. Hence Bryonia 200 was recommended.
Feel free to give Phos. as someone recommended you. You can always write here and any one of us can respond and provide help.
a. 2 pills or up to 4 pills of a medicine given directly in the mouth
b. 1 or 2 drops of the medicine in 15 ml of water and either all the water or a spoonful of this water
Either of the means of delivering the medicine can be considered very equivalent and you can choose anyone for equally good benefit.
The more common potencies are 6c, 30c, 200c,... It is referred as 6, 30, 200 (without C) or 6ck, 30ck, 200ck. They all mean the same.
However, in France, they seems to pick different potencies. for 200c, you can pick any potency in France that is closest to 200. You can buy in blue tubes (with approximately 80 pellets) and then take only 2 pellets and give as a single dose.
Hope this helps.
Yes, Phosphorus is a great remedy of Pancreas. However, for the symptoms you described, the primary organ that needs help is Liver with support for Pancreas. Hence Bryonia 200 was recommended.
Feel free to give Phos. as someone recommended you. You can always write here and any one of us can respond and provide help.
♡ Reva V 7 years ago
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