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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lost Libido, Premature Ejaculation, Weakness, and IBS


I am male with age 28 years, height 5-6, weight 63 kg. I had been masturbating since the age of 14 years. I have got married 10 months ago. I am experiencing problems like premature ejaculation (always ejaculates within 15 seconds of penetration), great weakness, constant fatigue, feeling lazy, tiredness and drowsiness. I have completely lost Libido and desire. I do intercourse just once in 35 - 45 days.

I suffer from extreme weakness. I do not feel strength in hands, limbs, arms and legs. When I move my hands or legs, a tick / tack sound always comes from the joints like shoulders, neck, wrist, knee and ankles. I feel pain in back and shoulders. It starts short breathing if I walk or go up on stairs. Although I am weak since my childhood, but after marriage I am feeling weaker than ever before. Literally, I have never felt so weak in my life ever. I am getting more weaker by every day. My bones and muscles have got very weak.

My digestive system also very weak. I have been suffering from Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for the last 10 years. I suffer from gastric pain, loose motions. I cannot digest beef and milk. My abdomen remain extremely bloated and suffer from flatulence. My mouth breathes bad. My throat remains a little bitter taste. Suffers from extreme Gastric Reflux and GERD. Cramps around navel. I pass gases very frequently. Gastrologists say I suffer from chronic bacterial infections in my stomach, intestines and guts.

Me and my wife love each other very much, but our relations are not good now because of my sex problem. I have completely lost libido. My wife conceived 6 months ago but had miscarriage in her first month of pregnancy. All her tests were normal. May be chromosomes ware too weak. After that incident, my wife have not conceived yet. I am so much worried about my health and sexual problems that I think to either end my marriage or end my life.

I had previously used the following medicines but they did not work
China 30 and Acidum Phosphoricum 30.
Then I started taking Agnus Castus 200, it also did not work.
Then I started taking Selenium 30, but it also did not work.

Please, please, please... help me. Please advise me some suitable homeopathic remedy and save me.

Many thanks.
[Edited by Kaka2 on 2017-07-29 17:40:47]
  Kaka2 on 2017-07-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take nux vomica 30c 3 pills or one drop in half glass water thrice daily

And take 10 drops of acid phos Q and tribulus Q in half glass water thrice daily

And 2 drops each of bach flower remedies (mimulus,gorse,pine) in half glass water 4 times daily

Report feed back every week here

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Thank you Doc for your advise. I am unable to find Bach Flower Remedies in my city.

Can you please advise some other medicine.

What about specialties medicines like Dr. Willmar Schwabe's Damiaplant drops, Dr. Willmar Schwabe's Manuia tablets, Dr. Reckeweg R41, Dr. Willmar Schwabe's Damiana Pentarkan Ptk. 40, Dr. Reckeweg Damia Gold Sexual Weakness Drops, Dr. Reckeweg R 41Forte Impotence Drops, Dr. Reckeweg Ambra 1000 drops, etc. Will any of these medicines help me? Please suggest.
Kaka2 7 years ago
They are patent medicines..i dont usually recommend it..schwabe Dania plant had good reviews....

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago

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