The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Acne between temples and eyebrows
hello,i am 26 year old male , in good state of health. having problem of acne between tamples and eyebrows from last 1 and half month, with following symptoms
1. painful acne above my eyebrows, forehead and tamporal region
2. i think it is due to junk food consumption
3. There is severe pain in the pimples and that radiates to the head
4 once the old pimples subsides then new pimples arise which are red and painful at first
4. black scar is there once the pimples heal
its look like these are sensitive to heat
image is attached
please suggest me some remedy i ll be very thankful to you.
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freaking on 2017-08-15
and eugenia jambolinum 200c 3pills weekly once
and kali mur 6x 3tablets thrice daily
and use Bakson's S-CURE cream
report feed back after 15days
♡ drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
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