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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

dosage of nat phos 6x and nux vomica 30 for gerd?

I have been suffering from these symptoms for last 2 to 3 years:
pain under left lower ribs and sigmoid colon;
-sometimes constipation with hard stool;
-sometimes constipation with dark liquidy stool;
-acid reflux causing pain in the chest front and back;
-lost weight;
-frequently get soar throat;
-bloated abdomen after 3 to 4 hours of meals;

i have been to different doctors, told me there is nothing wrong with me just stress and anxiety problems and prescribed Librax and Colofac, but after sometime the symptoms came back. so i started taking Robinia 15-20 drops after meals three times a day for last 5-6 months which relived my symptoms.

For last 15 days or so, i am feeling acid reflux in my esophagus throat. so i researched for another homeopathic medicine and came across Nat Phos 6x tablets and Nux vomica 30C drops.

Kindly recommend me the dosage of these 2.

I am 33 years old male living in Pakistan.

  oraclemind on 2017-08-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Start with nat phos 6x. 3 tabs after each meal ( 3x a day). Do this for three days and see - report status. However, your diet has to be right or this will not change.

Your cells have an alkaline set point. Over time,
Too much acidic food and drink tips the balance. So look over
Your diet and cut back on tea, coffee, no soft drinks,
No citrus drinks, no junk food, no chocolate,
No tomatoes, cut back on spicy.

Try to do protein and alkaline vegetables for a couple weeks-
And if you have had antibiotics in the last year,
Take a probiotic once a day for 2 months.
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-08-24 17:53:39]
simone717 6 years ago
i am taking 3 Nat phos 6x 30gms tabs after 3 meals a day for last 2 days, does not feel much difference, there is no reflux in esophagus and throat, but feeling pain in splenic flexure and sigmoid colon, stool is not hard but does not come out completely effortlessly have to push.
oraclemind 6 years ago
The reflux can be due to acidic balance- which has diet as the cause.
The other can have other reasons.

Start taking silica 6x , cal phos 6x, nat sulph 6x
3 tabs of each - morning, noon, evening before

Gradually you will get back into balance.
If reflux is gone? Take 1 nat phos 6x after meals.

Take all of this for a week and then report status.

Please describe your diet as of now. Avoid fatty,
Fried foods and acidic foods and drinks for now.
Please describe your tongue when you wake-
Is there coating and what color?
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-08-27 15:02:18]
simone717 6 years ago
tongue in the morning is normal, not eating fatty or fried food.
oraclemind 6 years ago
I am taking silica 6x cal phos 6x and nat sulph 6x for last 5 days, before meals and nat phos 6x after meals.
reflux is gone but stool became paste like and dark brownish color, not hard but hard to push with little burning in around rectum.
I think some of these symptoms would be due to eating red meat for last 2-3 days (which) i have stopped today. feeling moderate pain in splenic flexure and sigmoid.
also kindly recommend something for weight gain.
oraclemind 6 years ago

What is your height and weight?

Please list what you eat and drink on an average day?

Is there still bloating after eating?

How often is stool?

Describe the pain in splenic area in detail and
When it shows up? What makes it better or worse?
Please do the same for sigmoid colon .
simone717 6 years ago

i am 6feet with 67KG (2 years back I was 78KG).
I usually eat vegetables and pulses on average day, do not consume coffee, occasionally eat fruits, a little tea during the day, try to drink water more.
Bloating is not too much now.
stool is just in the morning, by pushing hard for stool feel pain in sigmoid area after that through out the day, if stool passes easily there is no pain in sigmoid. when gasses are stuck in splenic flexure then feels pain there if gasses pass then no pain.
there is no reflux these days.
oraclemind 6 years ago
Please take 6 tabs of each and dissolve all in a cup of water for the day./or put into a plastic water bottle so you have it with you.

Kali phos 6x
Mag phos 6x
Ferrum phos 6x
Silica 6x
Nat mur 6x
Nat sulph 6x
Cal phos 6x
Kali mur 6x

Take a sip 4 x a day

If you feel reflux again after eating then you can take a couple tabs of nat phos 6x as needed.

As for weight gain- please add up your calorie count for the day- it is probably low for your height. Google the amount of protein and calories needed
For your height. Then have a diet plan and do this for a couple weeks.

Take the above cell salts for a week.
If you change calories/diet and after 2 weeks you have not gained- then a remedy can be looked at for that.

Also legumes and some vegetables can create
Excess gas. Give your system a break, and experiment with how your body is reacting to foods. You may want to have more bland foods like rice and chicken for a few days and see how you react.
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-09-06 15:11:39]
simone717 6 years ago
I have been taking these as you said for a week.
-my overall condition has improved.
-stool color is getting normal but when i pass the stool it comes hard (from sigmoid area i think) at start and soft after, I always feel urge to pass some more but nothing comes out by pushing.
-a very little dull pain is there in whole colon area through out the day
-whole gases does not pass through i can feel them moving in colon area (with or without empty stomach)
-reflux is no more (stopped taking nat phos)
-little bloating is still there
-my appetite is okay
-my water intake is good these days
-did not took probiotics (as i have taken a lot of antibiotics in last year mostly for throat infection)
please advise
oraclemind 6 years ago

Please Google - Bristol stool chart and advise
What type best describes.
How often is stool?

No probiotics have been taken??
Was not clear on that.

From what you wrote it sounds like you still have constant trapped gas and are semi constipated.
simone717 6 years ago

you advised me probiotics for 2 months that i have not taken.

stool is usually in morning one time

yes trapped gas and semi constipated is right

i feel pain after passing stool on sigmoid area

stool is i think type 3 in start and type 4 after and its paste-like sticky like its stuck to the walls of rectum.

i think anxiety factor is also there.
oraclemind 6 years ago
Continue salts for another week. these are putting back needed minerals.
Similar to repairing a foundation.

Please take a cup of plain yogurt every day to act as a probiotic.

Take 4 pills or 2 drops in couple tablespoons of water of arsenicum album 30c- one time only. Report what you notice from that dose after 3 days.
Have a gap of an hour with the remedy before cell salts.
simone717 6 years ago
i have taken salts for one week, and arsenicum album for 3 days.
-stool started to come out easily before arsenicum album
-bloating comes and goes after eating
-after arsenicum album got congested soar nose (inside) and tongue (maybe some pollen allergy, its the transition of season from summer to winter) or due to arsenicum album
-appetite is good
-semen got a little thin then before.
-sometimes gases are trapped
-taking yogurt daily
oraclemind 6 years ago
Hi- continue salts for another week.

I had advised one dose only of arsenicum- and report after 3 days( not 3 doses) if reactions are from arsenicum they will subside.
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-10-08 14:25:23]
simone717 6 years ago
i have taken only 2 doses of arsenicum album in 3 days.
reactions are almost gone
also kindly suggest some remedy for gaining weight;
oraclemind 6 years ago
Please add up the amount of calories you eat on an average day and advise.
simone717 6 years ago

After taking salts for another week, stool is becoming soft and east to pass, but trapped gases are still there the whole day until I lay down at night (some of it passes at night, and other in the morning), after eating meals it becomes trapped again. like today stool was also sticky maybe because of something i ate yesterday.
oraclemind 6 years ago
I am going to have some questions later.
What do you think you ate yesterday to cause sticky stool?
simone717 6 years ago
Hi, i think i ate split yellow gram, which caused sticky stool maybe, but its better the next day.
oraclemind 6 years ago


1. Do you notice any difference in trapped gas
Due to foods? For example, is it worse after fruit?
Worse after......fill in the blank. Better after.....?

2. Do you feel you have any food allergies?
Dairy, nuts, seeds, beans- food allergies can be
Something from many years ago where you do not notice
A problem too much, but can get worse over the years.

3. What foods do you really love and what do you dislike?

4. Describe the trapped gas- does it move around,
Or just pressure that stays in one area?
Does anything besides Laying down help?
Like warmth, drinking warm liquids, rubbing,
How does it begin now? Right after eating?

5. Are you taking the plain yogurt every day?
Do you have access to buy a probiotic supplement?

6. After the extra effects of arsenicum wore off
Did you have any day or days with less trapped gas and bloat?

7. What position helps while laying down- laying on left or right, in back or stomach.
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-10-19 03:32:15]
simone717 6 years ago

1- no difference in trapped gas, specially starts after lunch, not after breakfast, fruits does not effect.

2- no food allergies, this problem started 2 to 3 years back suddenly one day when i drank tea after lunch. at that time my stomach stayed loose on and off, but after the problem started it got constipated more of the time.

3- i like rice, fruit, whole grain foods etc, never liked too fatty fried or fast food.

4- trapped gas moves on all three sides by applying pressure, 6 months back it mostly stayed in splenic and sigmoid area where it caused pain. but these days it mostly stays on right side and pain is less. it releases mostly by lying on stomach and left side.

5- i can buy probiotics, (i have eating too much antibiotics over the year, for throat infections and typhoid mostly)

6- arsenicum album effect, i dont know but my nose is still dry congested and feels like burning inside, maybe due to seasonal allergy.
oraclemind 6 years ago
How many cups of tea do you have a day?
Do you have tea with breakfast? With lunch?

What do you eat for breakfast?
What do you have for lunch?
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-10-19 15:06:55]
simone717 6 years ago
1 or 2 cups of tea a day.
half cup after 2 3 hours after breakfast, half cup after lunch.
whole grain pratha with egg in breakfast
whole grain roti with any salan (pakistani dish) contains either vegetables, pulses or meat.
oraclemind 6 years ago
Please delete kali phos from cell salts and replace with nat phos.
Buy a good probiotic and start taking one a day for a week and then report.
Remedies are not going to replace the gut flora,
You have to add that flora back.

Also, if you can find ph strips for urine test,
Start testing yourself after lunch- then you can see if you are still too acidic.
simone717 6 years ago
Please Google rense.com
Detailed listing of acid/alkaline foods.

They say to regain health one has to eat 80percent alkaline for a time.
Eating too acidic makes the body take out your vital minerals to balance
The acidity.

What I did not know here, was that even tho
Some foods are obviously acidic(like citrus)
In the body they have an alkaline effect.

However, I find if one is really acidic- that if you have
Lemon juice etc , more than a cup will give you acid cramps.

No mystery why cell salts work so well as they are putting micro doses of minerals back in where the "diet" can be leaching them out.
Chinese medicine also goes over diet advice
In a major way, especially with Cncr patients
Who have unwittingly been making over the top acid choices-
Like daily ice cream and soda snacks.
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-10-22 19:11:55]
simone717 6 years ago

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