The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Cina dosage for worms
My daughter was constantly complaining pain aroind navel after a meal or after sleep. 4 years old. Itchy bottom. Pain goes in 30 seconds. Prescribed cina 30 by amateur homeopath. Diagnosed worms. Given cina one night. Nux vom next morning. Repeated next day. How long should this go on?Patrali1 on 2017-08-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Conservatively it'd be expected to stop within a few doses---which could be four, six, eight, ten doses.
Rarely homeopaths would prescribe for weeks together. Sometimes this can work too.
But often long repetition can create problems than relief.
So once you cross ten doses, it needs to be asked if the medicine has to be continued and if yes, what's the strategy ahead----like if the interval between doses need to be increased or doses need to be given in water etc.
Rarely homeopaths would prescribe for weeks together. Sometimes this can work too.
But often long repetition can create problems than relief.
So once you cross ten doses, it needs to be asked if the medicine has to be continued and if yes, what's the strategy ahead----like if the interval between doses need to be increased or doses need to be given in water etc.
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
It's been three sets of doses. Pain still there this morning. The pain comes and subsides within seconds. Very worried. Since this pain has been going on for months now. Could this be symptom for something other than worms? Thanks in advance.
Patrali1 7 years ago
How long has he been taking these medicines? approx how many doses has he taken till now?
If pain had been there even before starting medicines, then it's unlikely it has been caused by medicines.
Children with their vital force can tolerate medicines for a couple of weeks in general.
But if medicines have not given relief beyond this period then it's time for review.
If pain had been there even before starting medicines, then it's unlikely it has been caused by medicines.
Children with their vital force can tolerate medicines for a couple of weeks in general.
But if medicines have not given relief beyond this period then it's time for review.
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
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