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Need help with rear lameness in dog Page 2 of 5
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Yesterday, later in the day, Bailey was favouring that leg more than in the morning.
This morning is about the same as yesterday morning...are we going in the right direction...time for another dose...or another remedy ?
She still toe touches with that foot when standing, but does walk on it when moving, although does short stride.
Suggestions ?
This morning is about the same as yesterday morning...are we going in the right direction...time for another dose...or another remedy ?
She still toe touches with that foot when standing, but does walk on it when moving, although does short stride.
Suggestions ?
Ilovemypuppy last decade
she over use leg more than usual--- first day after administered rhus-t 200c...?
♡ John Stanton last decade
As a matter of fact, John, she was very active yesterday, feeling good and walking after the Rhus Tox 200C dose.......
We are keeping her quieter's hard sometimes. This afternoon, she seems QUITE sore :o(
We are keeping her quieter's hard sometimes. This afternoon, she seems QUITE sore :o(
Ilovemypuppy last decade
its expected---humans do same when feel good after long peiod of unwellness---keeping settle as much as possible without disturbance is best approach...
give intercurrent --single dose arnica 12c help with overuse/fatigued from..etc
give intercurrent --single dose arnica 12c help with overuse/fatigued from..etc
♡ John Stanton last decade
"give intercurrent --single dose arnica 12c help with overuse/fatigued from..etc"
Thanks John,
I'm sorry..what do you mean by intercurrent ?
Also, the lowest dose of Arnica that I have is Arnica 30X or 30C.
Your suggestion ?
Jory :o)
Thanks John,
I'm sorry..what do you mean by intercurrent ?
Also, the lowest dose of Arnica that I have is Arnica 30X or 30C.
Your suggestion ?
Jory :o)
Ilovemypuppy last decade
ok--water dose 30x arnica (10 tablspoons--2 pellets)--teaspoon dose
♡ John Stanton last decade
Hi John...that helped :o))))
I gave it to her and then went outside to work in the gardens for an hour and then took her outside for her potty walk and she moved much better.
I have not been able to get a definate answer as to what her actual injury is...many different ideas from many different sources.
It's either a pinched nerve from subluxations in her lumbar/scaro area that is causing referred pain into her leg or sprained ligaments around her knee...she's not telling me :o)
For now.....should we still watch and wait to see what the Rhus Tox will do ? Will the Arnica interfer with what the Rhus Tox was doing ?
One other question....I give her garlic capsules in her meals.....will those interfer with the homeopathic remedies at all ?
Thanks, Jory
I gave it to her and then went outside to work in the gardens for an hour and then took her outside for her potty walk and she moved much better.
I have not been able to get a definate answer as to what her actual injury is...many different ideas from many different sources.
It's either a pinched nerve from subluxations in her lumbar/scaro area that is causing referred pain into her leg or sprained ligaments around her knee...she's not telling me :o)
For now.....should we still watch and wait to see what the Rhus Tox will do ? Will the Arnica interfer with what the Rhus Tox was doing ?
One other question....I give her garlic capsules in her meals.....will those interfer with the homeopathic remedies at all ?
Thanks, Jory
Ilovemypuppy last decade
keep diet simple---raw meat and avaialble to outside for grasses --so as if need will eat..
we need be sure --if vertebrae affected --suluxation or not--if is so--then we encourage to heal as is---not the way..
stand behind baily and lift hind off ground -allwing legs dangle-if reisit or flinch--then lumbar vertebrae misligned/affected..if not---check hips----first observe rear view posture --baily standing--take not eif one side higher than other--next have her lie down on non affected side...grab under thigh at above knee joint--good handle--from rear with that side hand --other hand place where long bone conects to hip-gently lift --may here a pop--then stop there and sett--she may not allow if painful,,,
make those few tests and let me know--then we willproceed to next step..
no other remedy at this time...
we need be sure --if vertebrae affected --suluxation or not--if is so--then we encourage to heal as is---not the way..
stand behind baily and lift hind off ground -allwing legs dangle-if reisit or flinch--then lumbar vertebrae misligned/affected..if not---check hips----first observe rear view posture --baily standing--take not eif one side higher than other--next have her lie down on non affected side...grab under thigh at above knee joint--good handle--from rear with that side hand --other hand place where long bone conects to hip-gently lift --may here a pop--then stop there and sett--she may not allow if painful,,,
make those few tests and let me know--then we willproceed to next step..
no other remedy at this time...
♡ John Stanton last decade
Hi John,
OK...I did all those things and here are my observations...
Standing behind her, I lifted her hind end off the ground so her legs were resistance, once she knew what I was doing..a little stiff at first, then relaxed
Standing behind her, her left hip side is higher than her right
Laying on her non affected side, I wrapped my hand around her left knee and raised it up and rotated til she almost rolled resistance, no pop sound..very relaxed.
Your thoughts ?
Thanks Jory
OK...I did all those things and here are my observations...
Standing behind her, I lifted her hind end off the ground so her legs were resistance, once she knew what I was doing..a little stiff at first, then relaxed
Standing behind her, her left hip side is higher than her right
Laying on her non affected side, I wrapped my hand around her left knee and raised it up and rotated til she almost rolled resistance, no pop sound..very relaxed.
Your thoughts ?
Thanks Jory
Ilovemypuppy last decade
rear view---lift her by back paws/legs--hands under paws--as though standing on them-lift 2-3 inches off ground--take notice which seems a little lighter--lift a little higher on tat side-note if resistance or not..
next--front view--grab front paws and have her sand onlyonrear legs--while holding her front paws-walk backwards--for her careful---sonot strain her==take note if she wobbles or not and note the placement of hip as she walks this way...
also if havent already --ensure that knee of that leg is not swollen or painful to touch--but i think this option has been eliminated earlier..from start--
post back with observation
next--front view--grab front paws and have her sand onlyonrear legs--while holding her front paws-walk backwards--for her careful---sonot strain her==take note if she wobbles or not and note the placement of hip as she walks this way...
also if havent already --ensure that knee of that leg is not swollen or painful to touch--but i think this option has been eliminated earlier..from start--
post back with observation
♡ John Stanton last decade
"rear view---lift her by back paws/legs--hands under paws--as though standing on them-lift 2-3 inches off ground--take notice which seems a little lighter--lift a little higher on that side-note if resistance or not.."
her left rear leg is lighter, no resistance to lifting it higher
"next--front view--grab front paws and have her stand only on rear legs--while holding her front paws-walk backwards--for her careful---so not strain her==take note if she wobbles or not and note the placement of hip as she walks this way..."
She walked forward, but takes a short stride on the left leg and puts most weight on the right..hips looked the same
"also if havent already --ensure that knee of that leg is not swollen or painful to touch--but i think this option has been eliminated earlier..from start--"
Her knee (left) has never appeared swollen or hot and doesn't seem to be painful. I do notice that when I flex her left knee and let go..she will sometimes jerk it when straightening it back out, but not always. That's when I think maybe it's a pulled hamstring muscle.
Your thoughts John ?
Thanks, Jory
her left rear leg is lighter, no resistance to lifting it higher
"next--front view--grab front paws and have her stand only on rear legs--while holding her front paws-walk backwards--for her careful---so not strain her==take note if she wobbles or not and note the placement of hip as she walks this way..."
She walked forward, but takes a short stride on the left leg and puts most weight on the right..hips looked the same
"also if havent already --ensure that knee of that leg is not swollen or painful to touch--but i think this option has been eliminated earlier..from start--"
Her knee (left) has never appeared swollen or hot and doesn't seem to be painful. I do notice that when I flex her left knee and let go..she will sometimes jerk it when straightening it back out, but not always. That's when I think maybe it's a pulled hamstring muscle.
Your thoughts John ?
Thanks, Jory
Ilovemypuppy last decade
jerks back?hmmm
pain release if hip is actally affecte...baily liing on goo side--painl side up --grab high on that thigh..other hand firmly holding down rear end ..pull the leg out an slowly oivotaroun socket--no extreme but important keeping pulling tension (if seems hurt at his point--stop--most lke muscle/ligamnet envolvement)if not continue as follows---circle slowly about 15 seconds..release slowly--and put two finger pressure into hipjoint tha sie--hol for count of 15 an let off pressure---pet her an allow to lie stil for a bit....if when she gets up walks better for a bit then ---hip need setting---
pain release if hip is actally affecte...baily liing on goo side--painl side up --grab high on that thigh..other hand firmly holding down rear end ..pull the leg out an slowly oivotaroun socket--no extreme but important keeping pulling tension (if seems hurt at his point--stop--most lke muscle/ligamnet envolvement)if not continue as follows---circle slowly about 15 seconds..release slowly--and put two finger pressure into hipjoint tha sie--hol for count of 15 an let off pressure---pet her an allow to lie stil for a bit....if when she gets up walks better for a bit then ---hip need setting---
♡ John Stanton last decade
When I started to do the first motion, I put my hand high on her thigh, above the knee and gently pulled back, no resistance, BUT...when I even touched the back of her thigh, behind the knee at the back..she flexed (jerked) with discomfort...even with very light touching..everytime I touched the hamstring area.
This is what I have always found...she rotates the hip just fine, no resistance.
When I started to do the first motion, I put my hand high on her thigh, above the knee and gently pulled back, no resistance, BUT...when I even touched the back of her thigh, behind the knee at the back..she flexed (jerked) with discomfort...even with very light touching..everytime I touched the hamstring area.
This is what I have always found...she rotates the hip just fine, no resistance.
Ilovemypuppy last decade
♡ John Stanton last decade
It's the area on the back of her thigh, mid way between her tail and her hock that curve...not on the side, right down the back. It feels like ligaments there and long muscles.
Ilovemypuppy last decade
ok--if jerks when touched then water dose as before ---this time arnica 200c -single dose
keep me informed
keep me informed
♡ John Stanton last decade
I just gave her the water dose of Arnica 200C..thanks John.
What are your feelings as to what is going on with her leg ?
I'll report on her tomorrow morning.
What are your feelings as to what is going on with her leg ?
I'll report on her tomorrow morning.
Ilovemypuppy last decade
well --right now--i am thinking simply torn muscle/ligament---but we need consider possible lepto vaccine complication of healing--
going over info from posts --i see this seemingly better--then relapse of a sort...cold be blockage---remaining causation...or coul be simply agitating injury by aily usage---playfulness an such...
anyway--we'll address the obvious with simpicity an then acces from there...
going over info from posts --i see this seemingly better--then relapse of a sort...cold be blockage---remaining causation...or coul be simply agitating injury by aily usage---playfulness an such...
anyway--we'll address the obvious with simpicity an then acces from there...
♡ John Stanton last decade
Hi John,
I couldn't report in yesterday, as my server was down :o(
Bailey was back to favouring that leg quite a bit yesterday. so last night I gave her another water dose of Arnica 200C..I noticed she was very itchy aferwards, scrathing at her neck and elbows..with her back legs.
She has been scratching at herself and licking and chewing at her front legs and knee areas sometimes over the past couple of weeks, but last night she seemed very itchy.
I see no signs of redness on her skin, a little while flecks of dandruff sometimes and no fleas or ticks.
She can reach and scratch with that left rear leg and walk on it and even jump up on the bed..but short strides when walking and toe touches when standing still.
What are your suggestions..I just want SO much for her to be able to walk and run and play without discomfort.
Someone suggested Bryonia to me ?
You also mentioned residue effects of the vaccine she had a year ago?
I couldn't report in yesterday, as my server was down :o(
Bailey was back to favouring that leg quite a bit yesterday. so last night I gave her another water dose of Arnica 200C..I noticed she was very itchy aferwards, scrathing at her neck and elbows..with her back legs.
She has been scratching at herself and licking and chewing at her front legs and knee areas sometimes over the past couple of weeks, but last night she seemed very itchy.
I see no signs of redness on her skin, a little while flecks of dandruff sometimes and no fleas or ticks.
She can reach and scratch with that left rear leg and walk on it and even jump up on the bed..but short strides when walking and toe touches when standing still.
What are your suggestions..I just want SO much for her to be able to walk and run and play without discomfort.
Someone suggested Bryonia to me ?
You also mentioned residue effects of the vaccine she had a year ago?
Ilovemypuppy last decade
Hello Ilovemypuppy
If the Rus Tox worked before, why don't you give her a lower potency like 30 in water.
If the Rus Tox worked before, why don't you give her a lower potency like 30 in water.
Pat2006 last decade
"....She can reach and scratch with that left rear leg and walk on it and even jump up on the bed..but short strides when walking and toe touches when standing still....'
concerning the above is this as compared to before (rhus and arn) treatment?please explain
concerning the above is this as compared to before (rhus and arn) treatment?please explain
♡ John Stanton last decade
"....She can reach and scratch with that left rear leg and walk on it and even jump up on the bed..but short strides when walking and toe touches when standing still....'
concerning the above is this as compared to before (rhus and arn) treatment?please explain
She can do those more easily now than before ...scratching with that leg...but still short syrides when walking and toe touches or doesn't put much wait on that leg when standing.
concerning the above is this as compared to before (rhus and arn) treatment?please explain
She can do those more easily now than before ...scratching with that leg...but still short syrides when walking and toe touches or doesn't put much wait on that leg when standing.
Ilovemypuppy last decade
waht is the itching/scratching at this point?
ever see her itch or scratch ever in life before as similar to this?
ever see her itch or scratch ever in life before as similar to this?
♡ John Stanton last decade
what is the itching/scratching at this point?
ever see her itch or scratch ever in life before as similar to this?
Before, just normal scratching, but early evening last night, she was extra itchy it seemed. She not so itchy today though, so far.
ever see her itch or scratch ever in life before as similar to this?
Before, just normal scratching, but early evening last night, she was extra itchy it seemed. She not so itchy today though, so far.
Ilovemypuppy last decade
ok lets wait a bit...maybe a day..torn mucsle?well that will need patience while lng as have seen (for certai) improvement--then we are in right ..if realy no improvement--then something is affecting treatmen--or wrong diagnosis on our part..
how has appetitie ben yesterady and today?
how about stool characteristics?
how has appetitie ben yesterady and today?
how about stool characteristics?
♡ John Stanton last decade
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