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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Natphos for toddler with Silent reflux/gerd

Hi Joe,
My 18 month old daughter, has what I believe to be silent reflux and has had it from birth. I medicated her two times with prevacid (when she was 9 months old for 8 weeks) then again last month for 6 weeks). I take her off the meds and she goes back to not eating much at all. She has pretyy much had silent reflux the whole time but it is not really affecting her weight so I try not to medicate her but rather keep hoping and praying she will one day outgrow it. I bought her natphos and am eager go start trying it. I offer her 5 small meals a day...offering her food every 3 hours). How do i administer the natphos? Dosage? Is this something that she will have to be on indefinitely to control the reflux or can it cure her?
  KrissyC on 2017-09-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Krissy She is just a baby. If she has to be on something for ever to keep the reflux away then it'd not be the right thing. Children usually have good vital force so cure should be attempted rather than palliation which is what keeping somebody on something forever entails.

Dosage will be one tablet after meal for maximum two times a day for Nat. Phos.

If this does not help the child with reflux please come back with details another remedy shall be given.
maheeru 6 years ago

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