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Baryta Carbonica:


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Epsom Salt as Antidote to Baryta Carb?? Page 2 of 4

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No changes on any symptoms? How about energy, mood, sleep, general mental state?

Last time you mentioned something about music?
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Doctor Maheeru,

First two days I was singing better than usual. I got good control of lower notes of music.

I did not find any change in mental,emotional or even physical.

ganapathi1 7 years ago
Ok. Get merc. sol. 200c. Dissolve one pill/drop in 250ml of water.

From this medicinal solution, using a disposable dropper, take a drop as a dose.

Except for the first dose, just before taking the dose, you need to shake the bottle for two times. This is IMPORTANT.

Take three doses every dose separated by a week.

Report changes after third dose.
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Dr.Maheeru,

I was deeply frustrated with my health condition.

I read on my own. I self prescribed thuja 1M.

80% of the symptoms have gone. Finally God smiled on me after 7 years of pain and pain and pain.

its working wonderfully.

I will update you further.

Only one problem is left: Hypertension i mean high BP is still there.

I thank you very much for being with me.Help me reach the final end.

[Edited by ganapathi1 on 2017-11-24 05:22:37]
ganapathi1 7 years ago
Good to hear about that. Was it dry or wet dose?
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Dr.Maheeru,

Sorry for late reply. I did not had access to PC all those days.

It was dry dose. Thuja 1M two pills.After 15 days, I have taken another dose.

All baryta carb symptoms have been removed from me.Escaped heart attack. Yahooooooo...!!!!!

All silicea symptoms are now coming to the surface.Significant symptom is I cannot fix my attention at all. throbbing in occiput brain. weak memory. sensitive to extreme heat and cold, fingers of the feet being bent. Its been 7 years like this.Its almost 45 days gone I took those doses. But >silicea symptoms are not going at all.

The above post will clearly say what I exactly want to say happening to me.

Its my earnest request to you doctor, to kindly finish the treatment with the medicine which follows thuja and remove silicea provings. Never in my generations down, we we will use homeopathy in overdose mode.

THUJA is followed well by Mercurius;  Nat. mur;  Nitric acid;  Pulsatilla;  Sabina;  Silica;  Sulphur.

The challenge is thuja is followed by silicea. If I now take silicea, will it overdose or remove the silicea effects?

[Edited by ganapathi1 on 2017-12-01 06:09:27]
ganapathi1 7 years ago
Give some time to Thuja before jumping to another one.

First tell me which symptoms attracted you to thuja, and what perecentage of improvement you have seen and what are the symptoms that have been touched partially by thuja or have not been touched at all.
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Dr.Maheeru,

A quick recap, I was overdosed by Baryta and Silicea.

Following are completely removed by Thuja:

1. Fatty lump formation around the neck stopped.
2. All my lower ventricular hypertrophy symtptoms are gone. like I feel I will have heart attack,
3.Pain in the left arm is gone to zero.
4.No more pain in the left knee joints at all.
5. Pain in the testes(expolding pain) and also pain in the prostrate after eating has gone to zero.
6. Decrease in the pain in the head of penus but still not able to penetrate.
7.There was so much out of control behaviour in me subconsciously which now is under total control. I call my spirit to see the situation.
8.Blood used to come out from gums so easily with little squeeze but not now.
9.Palpitation is zero throught out the body.

The following symptoms remain the same:

1. I cannot fix attention at all. never fixed in those last 7 years at all.
2. there is a beating in the solar plexus region and in the back of headie occiput region which does not stop at all. whenever I concentrate deep, I feel the rush of blood to brain. I get tired and sleep.
3.This very same beating in solar plexus produces a wave of anxiety in brain.
4. I became very sensitive to cold. I get fever easily and go to sleep.
5.I have to lie down most of the time.
6.I cannot drive. i feel like I will loose that balance.
7.phelm formation still happens.As soon as I wake up, phlemn is on top of throat and first I spit it.
8.very very sensitive to mental impressions.
9.Obstinate and damn head strong. Just I dont know how I became liket this.
10.large abdomen.
11.something is wrong with my nervous system.It is not allowing me get in balance.
12. my fingers in legs got curved shape.

please doctor, just this attention problem and able to do penetrative sex is what I am looking for now.

On 15th october, I took thuja 1m and then on Nov 1st thuja 1m. till date I did not take any other medicine because I felt all the good effects will go away.

How long should I wait.Right since the day, I took Thuja , the second set of symmptoms i posted above(1-12) are there. I did not find any change in those symptoms at all. Then I concluded thuja is not working on them. How should I conclude?

ganapathi1 7 years ago
Ok thanks for giving a description. But this would be too early to change the medicine. Any reason for choosing a potency like 1M instead of 30c or 200c?

To repeat a dose wait for three weeks.
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Doctor Maheeru,

1M was because my case was damn chronic. I did not go for 10M because the second dose of 1M thuja after 15 days of first dose started proving in me like I was craving for eggs. Then I understood at 1M I should stop.I am hypersensitive.

Yaa you are right. Its too early to change.
On Nov 1st I took 2nd dose.

But Thuja has done so many wonders to me. I know it did not work completely. It needs a finisher.

Doctor, do you have in your mind, what could be the next stop for me? I mean which remedy. Should it be necessarily the complementary or I can tell few more crucial symptoms in me which can help in forming the new picture.

One of the most crucial ones:


" when i try to concentrate, I will feel vacant/empty in brain" . Then I get tired and cannot proceed further.

When I start expressing the idea in writing form, it does not come clearly.


"I cannot talk freely with opposite sex.I dont know if i feel shy or not confident of speaking". I cannot mingle with them.

"whenever I eat wheat, I get headache in front part mostly"

Kindly guide me further.

[Edited by ganapathi1 on 2017-12-08 09:28:21]
ganapathi1 7 years ago

Please take another dose of this Thuja 1M in water dose as explained with the merc. sol. 200c dose.

The procedure is as follows:

Dissolve one pill/drop in 350ml of water and let it dissolve on it's own ---do not shake the bottle.

From this medicinal solution, using a disposable dropper, take a drop as a dose.

Just before taking the dose, you need to shake the bottle for two times. This is IMPORTANT.

Let's decide on the follower medicine after we can exhaust the action of this remedy. Don't rush in with another like you did with thuja.
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Another great news.

Silicea symptoms are also going down slowly. especially:

2. there is a beating in the solar plexus region and in the back of headie occiput region which does not stop at all. whenever I concentrate deep, I feel the rush of blood to brain. I get tired and sleep.
3.This very same beating in solar plexus produces a wave of anxiety in brain.

Thuja is still working wonderfully doctor.

I will take as you said after 10 days. I am sure we are on the right path. Thanks doctor.

Merc viv/sol did not work to me. I still wonder why you choose it. Just eager to know.

ganapathi1 7 years ago
:) How do you know merc. sol did not do anything for you? It's a great remedy for mixed miasm cases. It would have prepared the ground for thuja----for thuja works great after merc. dose. Actually Merc. and Thuja and to an extent Cinnabaris in alternation can work in mixed miasmatic cases where we see not much of a reaction.

Possibly merc could have worked in a miasmatic manner. But a lot of things we could only make as hypotheses and assumptions in homeopathy which pertains to art part.

Actually it's the one from anti dotes of Baryta that covered most of your symptoms. And it had the characteristic symptom of head pain while running or doing physical work and the way you narrated how you had issues with sexual intercourse.

After some time do test for your heart problem.
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Now its clear to me.

I have taken merc viv dose as you said before I took Thuja. So It must have made the ground ready.

I find very good every next day of amavasya and all symptoms return before 3 days of amavasya especially due to cold.

How should i take merc sol and thuja ? should I take them in same potency ? How many days apart should I take them?

After taking Thuja, I have the following new symptoms:

1. Not making eye contact at all. Its becoming very strange to me itself as to why I am not making any eye contact with others.
2. whenever somebody comes near me, they are getting burps. I mean gas coming up from stomach to mouth. They are not realizing it. Even I get those.
3.I am suffering good loss of memory.
4.After intercourse I get good pain in left/right side of brain.It stays for one/two days.
5. most importantly, i feel lot and lot of pressure in the top of head and at back(occiput). I need to press those regions for relief. sometimes in left and right,sometimes in forhead.

there is one point on spine ie at the back of heart region/solar plexus region which if you press , i feel so relief that I no need to press those vertex and occiput regions.

All this reminds of cinnabaris you mentioned. Will it be of any help doctor.

Your knowledge amazes me. Right on the head of the nail.

Guide me further doctor.

ganapathi1 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Finally if i have to say something, I have this physical sensation at the back of solar-plexus, vertex of head and occiput/back region of brain. In these 3 places,there is pressure. Once you do some accupressure to the solar plexus point, there is great amount of relief all over the body.

ganapathi1 7 years ago
Did you take third dose in water?

Ok i will analyse and get back about your description. But do not rush up thinking another remedy is needed and would this or that be taken now. I was merely giving a general description merc. and thuja working in tandem. Let's first see what is required in your case.
[Edited by maheeru on 2017-12-20 23:14:01]
maheeru 7 years ago
I took 3 doses in pill form three consecutive days. No I did not take wet dose yet.

I am becoming very forgetful. terribly forgetful. I feel scared sometimes.

Thanks for taking time to analyze my case.

ganapathi1 7 years ago
Please re-check. You said two doses, set apart by one month.

Did you really take three doses of 1M in three consecutive days?
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Doctor Maheeru,

I was referring to 3 doses of Merc viv as you said.

For thuja 1M, I took only two doses 10 days apart.

I stopped because I felt I was proving it.

ganapathi1 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

This link below is very insightful. I feel solution is there. kindly check it doctor and let me know your thoughts.

I feel my spirit still should develop and I should be more creative.

thuja/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://homeopathyonline.org.uk/8-2/thuja/

[Edited by ganapathi1 on 2017-12-23 05:55:36]
ganapathi1 7 years ago
Did you not take the dose of thuja 1M third time after dec. 11?

You had asked the time gap after which to repeat another dose. And on that day i had asked you to go ahead with another dose in water.

Also recently you had mentioned about an urge for eggs? How is that?
maheeru 7 years ago
No doctor I did not take Thuja 1M on dec 11.

I was with heavy fever. I was getting very sensitive to cold. It never happened. I realized my body was healing silicea overdose symptoms slowly. Being sensitive to cold applications is silicea symptom. I realized Thuja was still working and did not repeat. I also said that I will take another dose after 10 days but still I did not. I have been writing to you since then about how to proceed.

I feel I might be disturbing the beautiful work of Thuja.

The urge to eggs disappeared after 2 weeks i took Thuja 2nd dose.

I told you about an incident where I felt insulted as I was not promoted. That anger is still there in me till date even though 2.5 years have gone. I generate lot of anger for my Boss till date. This confirms "Cinnabaris" not merc.viv.

I do have my left testicle smaller in size compared to right. Am I sphylitic ? I think I am mixed miasm of sycotic and sphylictic?

ganapathi1 7 years ago
You can go ahead with thuja dose still fine tuned as i suggested in water. Certainly three weeks have passed since the last dose right----in that case it's time to repeat one dose. Don't worry it won't hamper previous dose's work because by shaking the bottle we slightly increase the potency. Only frequent repetition of same potency can hamper the good work of previous doses that too not in all people.
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

I will update you further.

So far I have to say that silicea symptoms are not going at all. The relief I got earlier was wrong feedback. I still cannot fix attention at all and same solar plexus,occiput , and vertex of heard symptoms are still there.

ganapathi1 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

Almost a month gone.

I did not see a change in picture which was major in me like cannot fix attention at all and same solar plexus,occiput , and vertex of head symptoms. All of these are silicea symptoms.

I took arg nit 200c 1 dry dose and the sensations in the back solar plexus, center of head and mid back(occiput) region took new places. From solar plexus it moved to front side of left pocket region, to frontal lobe(forehead), to complete back side of head.

Mentally I feel I got excellent self control. emotionally I feel better.

I do have few problems left : I cannot fix attention at all. damn its so tough. I have delusions of criticism still.

any help doctor from this point?
ganapathi1 7 years ago
When i tried to help you spurned it. There was a picture forming of next remedy while you were taking Thuja doses. I adviced you to take Thuja in water so that the next remedy's impression would have firmed up while thuja would have worked all it can.

Now you have confused the picture with a new remedy Arg. Nit. It may have been a wrong choice. Atleast earlier choice thuja was a good one. Medicines should not be taken without a sound rationale otherwise you know the consequences because you have gone through a lot in the last few years.

Again another review time. Put in all symptoms that remain and are taking your time,energy and require action(do not write like these are silicea symptoms or arg. nit symptoms instead say these symptoms came on after taking so and so remedy along with the time gap from the time of the last dosage and when the symptoms appeared and other independent symptoms).

I hope you will not waste my advice again.
maheeru 7 years ago

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