The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Annal Abscess
Dear Sir,1. 1st week of June I observed that I had an annal abcess which was very painful really cannot touch the place also. Soon after that under observations of a good homeopathy doctor I started with Paonea-30 (twice daily for 1week), after that when the blood and pus started to come out from the affected areas doctor advised me to start Marcsol-30 (twice daily for 1week)and stopped Paonea-30 and started applying Calendula Mother Tincture daily 2-3times. After 10 days doctor gave me Carbo Animalis-1M (1ce in a week) but after having Carbo Animalis my full body started itching specially the anus part in which I couldn't sleep or do anything coz it was too much irritation there.After that I observed that the abcess have become very smaller in size but that small size also very very pain. Then the doctor advised me to take Hepar Sulph-30(1ce 3days) so after taking Hepar Sulph the pain relief a bit until the medicine action is there but soon after that the abcess size becomes like a capsule with tremendous pain in it. And mysteriously there is too much itching in the affected area ( specially when I go to bed), so again the doctor advised me to take Teucrium-30 (3days 1dose daily) but unfortunately the itching haven't stopped at all. Currently the position of the abcess is whenever I am taking Hepar Sulph after the pain relief a bit but when action of the medicine finishes again the abcess becomes like a capsule along with the pain. Then I am taking Sulph-200 1ce 1week. But Whenever I stopped its reoccurring.Its a journey of 3months altogether. Whenever I m taking its healing but whenever I stop 1day also its becomes in danger.
Therefore Sir, I would like to get some suggestions to get complete solutions regarding this traumatic stress.
Mr. Roy
hiranmoy76 on 2017-09-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ Nishat Parveen 7 years ago
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